Let's be crystal clear about something: there are NO images of James Bookhout from the JFK assassination or thereafter. He even saw to it before he died that no image of himself would be included in his obituary.
His wife Charlotte had her picture in her obituary, as is customary, but not him.
The question is: why? And I know the reason why. The reason he didn't allow his image is because he was the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald. I don't say he shot him. It was all an act. Oswald was shot afterwards and certainly not by Bookhout. But, he was an accomplice to it. It was a pattern of photographic avoidance that persisted for the rest of his life. The only images we have of James Bookhout are from his school yearbooks, starting with Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas up to his graduation from SMU Law School in 1937. That is the latest image we have of him, when he was 26 years old.
There are no images of him from the JFK assassination, and that is bizarre in itself because he followed Oswald around like his shadow. This image features Bookhout, but they put a hat over his face.
That hat is bogus. Of course, it is a standard issue Homicide Bureau white Stetson. But, it isn't Fritz, and this was after the first interrogation on Friday afternoon, and the only detectives at that interrogation were Boyd, Sims and Hall. You can see Boyd and Hall right there, and Richard Sims was much taller than that. So, that hat isn't real. The short man underneath it carrying the notebook is real, but not the hat. And note that Bookhout revealed that he carried a notebook to the interrogations. That's him and his notebook. Keep in mind that for the longest time, there were no images of James Bookhout from the assassination weekend. But, after I and others started bellyaching about it, one image surfaced, but it is bogus as hell. There is no way that this pipe-smoking dude is James Bookout. There are no reports that he smoked a pipe. I have put this guy next to the image of Jim Bookhout, the son of James Bookhout. Do they look like father and son?
Then, another image surfaced which claimed to be Bookhout from a FBI symposium on bank robberies. But, it's not Bookhout; rather it is Texas Ranger Bob Crowder.
In his own words, Bookhout said that he had to stand on a pedestal in the hallway to find James Hosty in the crowd. How could such a tall man need to do that? James Bookhout was short. He also told the Warren Commission that he was on Main Street outside the Mercantile Bank during the motorcade, but he couldn't see JFK because there were people in front of him.For the longest time, this was claimed to be James Bookhout, but he's not. He was Detective T.L. Baker.
There are no images of James Bookhout from the JFK assassination or thereafter. The SMU Yearbook image from 1937 is the last image we have of him, and he is an excellent match to the Garage Shooter. You don't have to be a gerontologist to recognize that this is the same guy separated by 24 years of time.
There is no excuse for the blackened eyes of Bookhout on the right. They blackened them.