Tuesday, March 2, 2021


  • Right and they tackled Ruby to the ground. Ruby said that, that he was tackled to the ground.  The real shooter never was tackled to the ground. His head was covered with a hood and he was lead inside, behind closed doors, but he stayed on his feet the whole time. After LHO was shot, the real Ruby was lead around with handcuffs on for all to see. But, in the Garage, we never saw the face of the shooter. 
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  • Mary-Ellen McKinnon Burnham
     Yes, during the Spectacle, the goal of the cops was to keep the Shooter covered. They were his blanket. Then, without any direction, they somehow all knew that they were going to maneuver him through that side door into the jail office? Why not the big double doors? How did they all know what to do? It was because it was all planned in advance. I call them the Penguins. They were just covering up the Shooter, who was James Bookhout. 

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