Thursday, May 19, 2022

 During his speech in Dallas yesterday, George W. Bush said that the lack of checks and balances in Russia enabled one man to launch the brutal and unjustified invasion- of Iraq. He quickly corrected himself, but, his statement still went viral.

Without a doubt, the Bush-ordered invasion of Iraq was as monstrous and evil as what Putin is doing in Ukraine. It would be macabre to compare them, but if you went by body counts, Putin has a long way to go to catch up to Bush. And let's not forget that Bush also ordered the invasion of Afghanistan, which was equally criminal and horrific. In terms of the number of lives ended, Bush is one of the worst mass murderers of all time. 

But, he walks around a free man, which speaks of the hypocrisy, the double standard, and the blindness of the American system.  It speaks of the moral rot that is at the heart of our system; the moral rot and the lies. Lies are what keeps America going- lies and phony money that is conjured up at will. I have to wonder what it's like to live with as much blood as Bush has on his hands. It won't wash off, George. It will never wash off. You are forever bloodied. 

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