Tuesday, July 26, 2022

There are people who think that the killing of Oswald was a conspiracy between Ruby, the Dallas Police, and the CIA and/or the Mafia. But, these people aren't thinking smart. They are mistakenly thinking that it was easy; that Oswald would be brought out, and then the shooter just had to bolt in and shoot Oswald at close-range and nothing could go wrong. 

But, a lot could go wrong. In that scenario, Oswald would not want to be shot. So, he could take evasive action. Or someone else might have interfered; tried to foil it. Someone could have deflected the gun at the last second, causing the wrong person to be hit. Or, the bullet could have traversed Oswald and penetrated someone else. As it was, the bullet almost did traverse Oswald. It settled right underneath the skin. They just had to incise the skin a little, and it fell out. So, imagine if the bullet's path was shorter and more angular where it traveled through so much dense tissue. It may have had enough energy to traumatize someone else. 

And if you wanted someone to shoot Oswald, why would you trust Jack Ruby with the job? He had never shot anyone before. He had never shot the gun at all that we know of. Did he have a steady hand? Did he have nerves of steel? Was there any reason to think that he did? 

What makes you think they would trust their lives to Jack Ruby? They wouldn't. They couldn't. They didn't. They didn't need him to shoot Oswald. They could do that themselves. They just needed him to take the blame for shooting Oswald. 

Why would Dallas Police trust a flaky, flashy, flighty, floosie like Jack Ruby with a loaded gun????  You do realize that he was considered a crackpot, a kook, a whacko, and a weirdo by Dallas Police. So again, why would they endow him with a loaded gun to fire in their direction? It's ludicrous. They weren't going to put their lives in his hands. 

Oswald needed to be shot under controlled conditions. That bullet was placed with surgical precision to follow a course in his body that would do maximum damage and cause maximum bleeding. How could that be done under the conditions of the jail transfer and with Jack Ruby firing the weapon? 

You have to remember that they weren't going to get another chance. If they shot Oswald and it wasn't lethal, they would have been out of luck. They couldn't try to kill him again. Who would believe that? They had to make absolutely sure that the shot killed him. But, since it wasn't a shot to his heart, there were no guarantees. And that's why they needed absolute precision, which they couldn't achieve in that garage. 

They knew Jack Ruby. They knew him for what he was, this cockamamie, imbecilic, nutty, daffy, feebleminded character who stumbled his way to running nightclubs. If you listen to Jack Ruby in his filmed statements, and if you read his testimony and his narrative, you get the idea that he wasn't playing with a full deck, that he was a scatterbrain. His own lawyers filed a petition to have him declared mentally incompetent. Would the Dallas Police want a mentally incompetent guy pointing a loaded gun at them? THERE IS NO WAY THEY WOULD HAVE CONSPIRED WITH HIM. 

Forget about what you read about Jack Ruby because most of that is fiction. You should appraise Jack Ruby by watching him and listening to him. That's the real Jack Ruby. And after you've listened to him, ask yourself: would you trust him to shoot somebody? And especially if you were going to be in the line of fire? 

Nobody respected Jack Ruby. He was considered a clown. That's how the Dallas Police regarded him, as this clown who got a kick out of hobnobbing with them. They were never in a million years going to arrange for him to show up with a loaded gun to shoot somebody. 

But, they did arrange for him to show up- not to shoot somebody, but to take the blame for shooting somebody. That was Jack Ruby's role on 11-24, and that was his only role. Never were they actually going to trust him to shoot Oswald; it would have been crazy to do that.  

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