Saturday, March 18, 2023

 BOSTON (AP) — A passenger who helped restrain a threatening man on a weekend flight from Los Angeles to Boston said Tuesday that the entire chaotic episode was over within seconds thanks to teamwork.

Simik Ghookasian said in a telephone interview that he was seated several rows behind the man, who had quietly tried to open an airliner’s emergency door before trying to stab a flight attendant with a broken metal spoon.

“I heard the guy getting louder and louder and I thought it was just an argument, but he started yelling and screaming and threatening people, threatening to kill them,” said Ghookasian, a Los Angeles government contractor flying to Boston on United Flight 2609 on Sunday for work.

Until the yelling, he hadn't noticed anything unusual about the man, who federal authorities have identified as Francisco Severo Torres.

Ghookasian said he saw the spoon and he was among five or six passengers who piled onto Torres and removed it from his grasp. It turned out to be the handle of a metal spoon, from which the bowl portion had been broken off, authorities said.

“That guy was really strong and was really resisting," Ghookasian said. "We had a hard time holding him down. It was total teamwork.”

RC: This is the guy. Instead of having a box cutter, he had a broken metal spoon. But, the passengers subdued him within seconds. 

And yet, that didn't happen on any of the four 9/11 flights. Except of course on the one over PA with Todd Beamer and "Let's roll. But, authorities needed a reason for why that plane suddenly crashed in PA, and the "Let's roll" story provided it. Am I suggesting that they made it up? Damn right. Why would Todd Beamer and the others have waited so long? Why didn't they respond instantly, like the passengers on the recent flight, which was also United?  Why did they ever submit and go to the back of the plane? Was it because of the box-cutters? But, that was offset by the fact that they had the terrorists vastly outnumbered. Plus, we're told that all the terrorists, to the last man, were small men.  How many people could a man wielding a box-cutter attack at one time? One. And while he's doing that, another passenger is grabbing him from behind with a chokehold around the neck. Someone else is grabbing the arm wielding the knife. Someone else is grabbing the other arm. Who really had the advantage? 

I realize that not everyone is trained in martial arts, but everyone has got two feet. And a big man with long legs is at no disadvantage to a small man with a boxcuter. And remember that that box-cutter has got to sever an artery in order to slow a big man down. If you just slash him otherwise, he's barely going to feel it with all the adrenalin flowing in his veins. And think about what was at stake and how driven they would have been, the able-bodied passengers, not to mention the pilots.  The bottom line is that the story of little terrorists taking over the plane with box-cutters is bull shit. I don't believe it, and neither should you.   

The big question is: how much longer does the official 9/11 story have before it collapses? 

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