Monday, July 8, 2024

 You have to realize how much they needed Oswald dead and could not let him be tried, or even talk to a lawyer. John Armstrong did a good job of establishing that Oswald never mail-ordered a rifle from Chicago.

So, try to imagine what would have come out of Oswald's first meeting with a lawyer: that he didn't own or order a rifle, that he was standing in the doorway during the shooting, that he didn't pose for the Backyard photos, that he didn't tell Frazier anything about curtain rods, that the only thing be brought with him to work on Friday was a sack lunch, etc. Right away, the lawyer would have known that Oswald was being framed and by the FBI. And there was no gag order in place; he could have gone public with it. Do you understand now why they couldn't let Oswald even talk to a lawyer once, let alone to go trial?  

Yet, Oswald was publicly screaming bloody murder over his being denied a lawyer. He devoted his entire MPC speech to it, short as it was. He did so much damage that they had to do damage-control the next day by tricking H Louis Nichols into thinking that he met with Oswald, when it was really an Oswald-double. It was very late in the day, and Oswald had already been brought down to the third floor for his Saturday evening interrogation.  So, this is what Oswald was doing when Nichols met with the Oswald double.

Oswald would NEVER have turned down an attorney. He wasn't an idiot. The idea that he would have declined a Texas lawyer is preposterous. And remember that in his public appeals, Oswald asked for "a" lawyer, not any specific one. 

But, the Dallas Police and FBI were running out of time. If they didn't let Oswald speak to a lawyer soon, it would have been obvious to the whole world that they were denying him his Constitutional rights. 

And that's when they supposedly got lucky when Jack Ruby saved them by killing Oswald for them. Except: luck had nothing to do with it. And no, they weren't working with Ruby. Had they been working with Ruby, they would have had to kill him straight-away. Ruby was set up. He wasn't working with anybody, and he didn't know anything. And he was too mentally impaired to figure out anything afterwards. They used the Karen Carlin ruse to get him to Western Union, which was essentially a block away. And they got him there heavily drugged. 

So, how did they get him to go from Western Union to the police garage? One of the drugs they gave him was Scopolamine which makes a person VERY conducive to suggestion. With him high on that, all they had to do was have someone in Western Union suggest that he walk over to the ramp and see what was going on. And the people gathered there had no reason to be there because it was an incoming ramp. Who were they waiting for to arrive? Elvis? There was nobody. They were just there to be a magnet for Ruby. So, when Ruby got there, somebody must have nudged him to go down the ramp, and he did. This was before Roy Vaughn was placed there. 

So, Ruby got to the gathering, where he was jumped by the police. This was about an hour before the televised spectacle. Ruby didn't know why they were jumping him, so he asked, "What are you doing? You know me. I'm Jack Ruby. I'm not some criminal." They hustled him up to the 5th floor, and that's where they told him that he shot Oswald.  Then, they took his clothes from him and kept him in his underwear. They put on the Garage Spectacle, with FBI Agent James Bookhout filling in for Ruby. There was no shooting in the garage. That was all theater. There wasn't a drop of blood. Oswald was shot elsewhere, presumably, inside the PD.  

And if you listen to the radio broadcasts from that Sunday morning, prior to the jail transfer, spokesmen for the Dallas Police all but said there was going to be a shooting. They knew there was going to be one because they planned it. 

This is the effect of Scopolamine. This is how your eyes look when you're high on it.  

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