Thursday, July 4, 2024

You should read this narrative by Oswald's doctors who describe the condition he was in when he got to them.  And that condition was: very close to death. He was exsanguinated. He had lost practically all of his blood. And he showed the signs of a person who was very close to death. It was hopeless. 

But, what I want you to realize is that a person in that condition is going to look ghastly. I could even say ghostly, as in white as a sheet. Oswald, at the time, was moribund, meaning very close to death. 

Yet, this is the final image of Oswald, and he doesn't look anything close to that. This man on the stretcher isn't Oswald. It is a staged photo, taken afterwards, and nothing about it makes sense. Presumably, Michael Hardin, the ambulance driver is pushing the stretcher, but he has his hand on Oswald's raised right forearm. How could he be pushing on it when the result would be to push the arm down? What is holding Oswald's arm up? And how could Oswald be making a fist? An exsanguinated person can't do that. And Detective Charles Dhority is clutching Oswald's left hand, but why? And how? How could they be going anywhere when Dhority has got Oswald's hand? Are they supposed to all be in motion together? Who would move that way? But, they are obviously not in motion. It is a staged photo. 

And one final thing: Why isn't Harold Wayne Wolfe, who was Herdon's assistant, not there at the foot of the stretcher? Why is it another man, whose back is conveniently to us, so that we can't see who he is? It indicates that they couldn't get Wolfe for this reenactment.  Are you aware that both Hardin and Wolfe died suspicious deaths? Hardin, supposedly, died of a heart attack at age 39. I realize that that can happen, but it is exceedingly rare. Plus, you can see how slender he was. Mathematically speaking, the odds of him having a heart attack at 39 were infinitesimal. Wolfe supposedly committed suicide even though he was the father of three sons. 

The conclusion from all this is that they didn't want to show us a real photo of Oswald upon arriving at Parkland precisely because he looked so bad, so ghastly, it may have generated sympathy for him and even more questions about how he died. So, they made this phony one. 

The Dallas Police, in conjunction with the FBI, murdered Oswald. The Garage Spectacle was just theater; he wasn't shot then. He was shot afterwards in the PD. They had silencers for 38s back then. And Jack Ruby had no involvement in it. He was already upstairs being held on the 5th floor. He got there much earlier than 11:17. Ruby told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the money wire to Karen Carlin at 10:15, and he was right. A Secret Service agent corrected him right away, but Ruby had it right. He was upstairs in the 5th floor jail, reduced to his underwear, at the time the Garage Spectacle went down.  

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