Wednesday, September 25, 2024


We've all seen the image of Clint Hill climbing up the back of the limo. And the story goes that he jumped off the Secret Service and caught up with the limo. So, Clint was moving faster than the limo, since he was behind it and caught up with it.

But, how do you catch up with a moving car? And what does it say about how fast (or slow) the car was going? We don't see the limo slow down in the Zapruder film. But in reality, the limo either came to a dead stop of very nearly so, like maybe 2 miles per hour.
So, what's the proof of that, that they altered the Zapruder film to hide the stopping of the limo? Well, think about what happens when a person jumps off a moving train; they roll. They don't just land; they roll. So, why do they roll? They roll because their body is in motion when they jump. They are moving in the same direction as the train. But, when they jump off the train, they are trying to land on their feet, and to plant their feet firmly on the ground.
So, when they land with their feet on the ground, their feet are planted right there in that spot. But, their body is still moving. And when your feet are planted while your body is still moving, you topple. You can't possibly go from being in motion on the car to complete stillness.
Here's an example of it; a young man jumping off a moving train. And notice that when he slides, his body is sliding in the same direction that the train was going.
So, what happened when Clint Hill jumped off the Queen Mary? Did he topple? No, he didn't topple, and it's because the Queen Mary wasn't moving. Perhaps it was moving a very negligible amount, but it had to be close to 0 mph.
And after he stepped off the floorboard of the Queen Mary, how did he catch up with the limo? It had to have been stopped or been going slower than he could move himself, and I mean after stabilizing himself after deboarding.
So, the point is that Clint Hill's ability to do that, to jump off the Queen Mary and catch up to the limo is proof that the motorcade had stopped. We don't see it in the Zapruder film but that's because they took it out of the Zapruder film, just one of the many things they did to that Frankenstinian film.

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