Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 There is a man C.A.A. Savastano who has a hit-piece site about me, and it's been there since 2018. He  doesn't name me, but he quotes extensively from my website, the Oswald Innocence Campaign:

Let's consider now some of his statements. He says: 

Witnesses affirm Bill Lovelady not Lee Oswald was on the front steps of the Depository during this photograph and Oswald being absent does not prove he assassinated President Kennedy. Yet it does support he was not in front of the building during the shots.

The witnesses who affirmed Billy Lovelady were hand-picked for that reason. It's not as though there was any chance that the Warren Commission was going to hear from anyone who affirmed that it was Oswald in the doorway. The whole thing was a Stalinist show trial. So, it is meaningless and deceptive to make the claim that Savastano made. And it's not even accurate since Carolyn Arnold told the FBI on November 26 that she saw Oswald at the doorway shortly before the motorcade arrived. And true to form, the WC never called her in to testify.

Now, there is no doubt that Lovelady was in the doorway too, but he was not Doorman, and he never claimed to be. Realize that there was never a time that Joseph Ball pointed to Doorman and said to Lovelady, "Tell me who this is." And there was never a time that Lovelady said, "I was the Doorman, standing next to the white column." Instead, they talked around it and tinkered with arrows, but as you read Lovelady's testimony, it's clear that he did not want to say that he was Doorman, and he didn't.

Savastano went to great lengths to establish that other employees testified that Lovelady was out there with them. And he was! It is him, on the right, the faceless guy.

Of course, it is not physically possible for such an image to be rendered. And the irony is that Lovelady was visoring his eyes because so much light was entering them; it was blinding him. And I have stood there myself in that Texas sun, and I know, first-hand, that it is glaring. But, with so much light entering his eyes that it called for a remedy, how could he blacken out his whole head just by doing what he's doing? He couldn't. THEY blackened out his face. And by they, I mean Kennedy's killers. I believe it was a team set up by Dino Brugioni of the CIA Photo Interpretation Center, which was a euphemism.  

Then, Savastano posted this collage of Doorman, Lovelady, and Oswald.

First, be aware that the middle photo is Billy Lovelady, but it's from 1967, not 1963, and it was taken in color by Robert Jackson. And the image of Doorman on the left is over contrasted. But, even with all that contrast, it doesn't look the same as Lovelady's shirt. It isn't neatly and uniformly checkered. Below, I used the scan of Doorman by Dennis Cimino because it's the best there is. And I used the Jackson photo of Lovelady the way he took it, in color.

The fact is that Oswald's shirt, which was Russian, was very thin material that reflected sunlight. So, the contrast is due to the distortion of the enlargement and to light reflection. Doorman's shirt is NOT plaid. It has no neat, uniform, recurring boxes on it, as you see on Lovelady's shirt. And just because Lovelady posed in that shirt for that photo doesn't mean that he wore it on 11/22/63. And notice that the upper right side of Doorman's shirt (on our left) shows no contrast at all. I have circled it. But, Lovelady's shirt had pattern all the way up to and including the collars. The flashy plaid pattern occurs throughout.

That photo of Lovelady in the center was taken for the NBC Kennedy assassination Special in 1967. They were going to include a large segment on Doorman, including an interview of Lovelady. They paid him to come down to Dallas from Colorado to do it. They shot it, but, they never used it. It got cut from their 2 hour program. Why? Because they realized that Lovelady was a mess, that he was such a terrible liar that putting him on camera would do more harm than good. And the same thing happened in 1978 with the HSCA. They could have subpoenaed him to come to Washington, but they didn't. They talked to him in advance, and they knew, from that, he could never perform adequately, that he had no ability to lie convincingly. How significant is it that they didn't subpoena Lovelady to testify? Extremely significant. And then, he died of a heart attack at the tender age of 41 in January 1979 right when the HSCA Final Report was coming out? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, they killed him.

Savastano only posted one image, a collage of Doorman, Lovelady, and Oswald, that is fraudulent. But, it's not just fraudulent in what he did to it. The Altgens photo itself is fraudulent.

The black man in the lower left wasn't there. He was a real man, Carl Jones, and he was close to that spot, but he was out of view to Altgens and facing the other way. The frame below by NBC photographer Dave Wiegman was taken almost simultaneous with the Altgens photo. 

You can see that Carl wasn't that close to Oswald. It only looks that way in the Altgens photo because they faked it. Carl was completely out of view to Altgens because of the angle from which Altgens shot. In fact, Oswald's right shoulder was partially out of view to Altgens for the same reason: parallax. But, they put the image of the black man into the Altgens photo because the bottom of Oswald's shirt was torn and tattered, and they were afraid that would give him away. So, they covered up the bottom of his shirt with the black guy. And they also wanted to cover up the fact that Oswald was clasping his hands in front in the doorway, which was a habit of his. We have quite a few images of him doing that that weekend. So, that would have given him away too. Lovelady didn't do that. Lovelady clasped his hands behind his back, not in front like Oswald.

So, covering up Oswald's self-defining front hand-clasp in the doorway is what they needed the image of Carl Jones for. 

But then, they got carried away. They decided to get rid of his whole arm by turning it into Carl's arm. Look at it again:

Can you see what appears to be a raised arm with a hand waving? I circled it.

So, that's supposed to be the rolled up sleeve of Carl Jones, and his forearm and hand. He's supposed to be waving at someone. It's very crude, I know, and it isn't even anatomically correct. He couldn't turn his hand like that if he wanted to. It's laughable what those buffoons did. 

And, I can tell you where they got that image of Carl. It was taken about 3 pm when employees were allowed to go home. It was taken by Congressman Phil Willis.

That looks exactly the same as the image of the black man in the Altgens photo because it is the same image.

And if you are wondering if Altgens and Willis could have captured the same image, the answer is no, since they were on opposite sides of the Plaza.

I consider guys like Savastano accessories after the fact in the murder of President Kennedy. But, as shills go, he's a bit more sophisticated than most. Still, in his sophisticated way, he is appealing to people's intellectual weakness. Oswald was the Doorway Man, and all the evidence supports it. It is as certain as Christ on the Cross.

Here is the link to Savastano's hit-piece against me:

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