Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 You realize that a photograph is the rendering of a 3-dimensional space on a 2-dimensional surface, and the way depth gets registered is with elevation. Something that is deeper in the photo appears higher.

Now, because the Stemmons freeway sign was perpendicular to the road, the south side of the sign was deeper than the north side, and therefore the south side was higher than the north side. And that means that the right side of the sign was higher than the left side, and therefore, the top of the sign registers as a diagonal line.
Now, look at this photo, starting with the center of it. Look at my sign. First, I realize that it was smaller than the real sign, but that was a matter of practicality; and it was still arduous to get it there. But notice the diagonal line at the top, in which the right side is higher than the left side. That's because the sign was perpendicular to the road.
But now, look on the left at the sign in the FBI reenactment, and you'll see that it is perfectly square, that it squarely fits into the bottom right corner of the photo with no depth differential at all.
Then, on the right, you can see Zapruder on his pedestal, shooting the top of Dealey Plaza (indicated by the line) and how it was in relation to the sign, which you can see.
And notice that in my photo, I was no longer shooting the intersection. You can't see the corner. You can't see Houston Street. I had to go down the hill some to visualize the sign.
What this means is that, as in the Zapruder film, the sign in the FBI reenactment was fake. The laws of Physics and Optics did not get cancelled for that reenactment.
And to my detractors who are still going to dispute this, and I know they will, let's meet in Dealey Plaza and recreate it together. We'll each make sure the other doesn't cheat. We'll each be watchdog to the other. And then, with the proper sign in the right location and angle, and with Zapruder on his pedestal shooting, we'll recreate the Zapruder film and see when the sign comes in, and how it comes in.
And if, to my surprise, my adversaries can recreate the Zapruder film with the sign looking as it does in the film, and without cheating, I will publicly admit it. The truth is all I care about.
Wouldn't that be better than just arguing about it? And isn't it important enough to do it?
So, who is willing to meet me in Dallas and do this, for the sake of JFK truth?

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