And everyone else has assumed the same thing. This is the image most everyone posts of Mary taking her picture of the Kennedys.
The implication has always been that that is when she snapped the shutter. But, it's impossible because you can see that the way it's lined up, she would have caught very little of JFK. He would have mostly been obscured by Jackie. And with Jackie, it would have been a shot of her back.
They are not past her in the above image. But, they were past whoever took the Moorman photo.
People have accused me of calling Mary Moorman a liar. I have never said she lied. I have said that she was lied to.
It's interesting to wonder about how Mary's actual photo compared to the Moorman photo.
So, what would Mary have captured shooting at this time?
Well, I certainly think Mary would have gotten Jack and Jackie in the center of her field. I don't say perfectly centered but close.
I put up this frame because Mary has clearly got her camera up like she's using it. That is slightly before the Moorman photo. The motorcycle cops have to advance a little more forward.
But question: what would Mary have done with her camera AFTER she took her picture? She couldn't put the camera down. She couldn't stop and process the picture. I figure she would have continued to hold the camera up but just not at eye level.
What about here? Is Mary still in picture-taking mode? Does she still have the camera up to her eye?
On the right, we get the sense of an explicit action going on, but what about on the left? I figure that after taking the picture, she would drop her elbows, but she would still have to hold the camera up. Hmmm.
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