Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First, Sparta, you didn't respond to the 2000+ architects and engineers. We're not talking political science professors here. We're talking about truly educated, knowledgeable persons, trained in science, and knowing how to use science, accurately and effectively. 

And second, "unadulterated" was a strange choice of adjective in your case, under the circumstances, but the fact is that John Armstrong's claim of Two Oswalds are based on dual records of residences, schools, jobs, military assignments, which cannot be dismissed with adjectives. 

You never belonged to the Debate Club, did you? You don't understand that pejorative adjectives don't garner any debate points. It's like in boxing. You only get a point if you hit the guy. It's not how many blows you throw; it's how many blows you land. And you, like most people who attack John Armstrong, never addressed anything specific point. 

For instance, Armstrong not only found evidence (records) of Lee Harvey Oswald having attended Beauregard Jr. High in New Orleans at the same time that he was attending Strickland Jr. High in Ft. Worth, he went and talked to the respective teachers at both schools and confirmed it. You can't dismiss that with any number of adjectives, "ludicrous, attention whore mongering, etc." You actually have to address it.

And speaking of adjectives, how ridiculous you are. The HSCA experts were in the employ of government, while Larry Rivera isn't in anyone's employ. The HSCA experts were employed by and beholden to the government and knew very well what the government committee expected of them and sought from them. It was exactly the same with Robert Groden. He was their "photo expert" too. It's not like they told him, 

"See if you can get to the bottom of the Doorman controversy, Robert, and don't worry: whatever you conclude, we'll publish it. We're not biased. If you tell us that he was Oswald, that's what we'll publish. Just be guided by your own rational mind. There is no pressure here." 

Huh. Indeed, there was pressure. They might as well have put it in writing, "Can you, or can you not, find for Lovelady?"

And no, Oswald did not lie about the rifle. You see, Oswald was not a stupid man. He was smart enough to know that he could both deny guilt and admit owning the rifle. 

"Yeah, that's my rifle, but I didn't shoot anybody with it. Somebody must have stolen it and used it to frame me." 

How hard is it to say that? It's not hard at all, and he would have said it if that was the case. But, it was NOT the case. He never ordered or owned or used or knew anything about the rifle. 


And as to how the rifle got on the 6th floor, it could have been brought there in the middle of the night. Truly meets the guy; opens the door; lets him in. The idea that since a rifle was found there that Oswald must have brought it is ludicrous. The fact is that the one guy who said that Oswald carried a long package, even he insisted then and insists now and has insisted all along that the longest it could have been was 24 inches, and a minimum of 35 inches was needed. 

He also described the bag as a "grocery bag". Do you think that with wrapping paper and tape- tape that had to be wet- that you could make a bag that anyone would mistake for a manufactured grocery bag, as opposed to a homemade botch job? 

So, what have you really got? Jack Dougherty directly refuted Frazier's claim, but Frazier, himself, also refuted the claim that Oswald carried a rifle. 

You have to take Frazier's testimony for what it is, in its entirety. Here he is denying that there is any chance that Oswald carried in a rifle:


Billy Lovelady NEVER claimed that he was the Man in the Doorway of the Altgens photo. The FBI reported that he claimed it. But, they didn't sit him down in front of a sea of microphones to where we could hear him claim it.  And even in 1976, they could have taken Lovelady to Washington and had him say it in front of cameras. Instead, the top lawyer for the HSCA actually quit his job just so that he could represent Lovelady; defend him. And then, lo and behold, Lovelady died of a heart attack at the tender age of 41 right before the HSCA Final Report was released. It smells. It smells bad. 

Billy Lovelady could have stated outright to Joseph Ball in 1964, "The man by the column in the doorway is me" but he didn't. He NEVER did.

The man in the doorway was Lee Harvey Oswald, and that fact is the most rapidly growing public awareness there is about the JFK assassination. Watch it grow further. 

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