Saturday, September 2, 2017

It should be obvious to everyone that this image of Billy Lovelady by Mark Lane must be accurate.

It must be accurate because Mark Lane did not have the luxury of submitting a fraudulent image. Mark Lane was a lawyer, and he could have been disbarred for such action. Furthermore, he was a smart man- smart enough to know that he wouldn't get away with such action. Plus, no can can deny that Mark Lane was driven by the relentless search for the truth. And obviously, falsifying the photo is antithetical to such a search. So, that is Billy Lovelady. That is what he looked like. And it should be obvious to everyone that his ears alone disqualify him to be Doorman. 

And that means that the only one left to be Doorman is Oswald. It comes down to a process of elimination, and Oswald is the last man standing. But in addition, his images, compared to Doorman, match superbly.

They messed with his hairline and the top of his head, what I call his "crown," but other than that, Doorman matched Oswald to a tee, in both the man and the clothing. Too much matches for him not to be Oswald. This is so decisive that I am not kidding when I say it was Oswald in the doorway like it was Christ on the Cross. 

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