Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tonight will be an historic night. That's because Dr. Leroy Hulsey, the head of the Engineering department at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is going to be livesteaming- to the world- the results of his study of the collapse of Building 7 at the World Trade Center. 

Sadly, the echelons of academic science usually conform to government decrees, hence we have Global Warming, Vaccination, and Darwinian Evolution taught at the highest levels. But now, a prominent academic is taking a stand against the crap, in this case, the 9/11 crap. And one gets the distinct impression that Dr. Hulsey is daring anyone in the academic community to challenge him: that is someone with a comparable background as him of knowledge, experience, and education. In other words: heavyweights in physics and engineering. All others can shut the pluck up. You can tap into his presentation here: It's 8 PM Eastern, so that means 7 PM for me.

This is from the Architects and Engineers:

Tonight, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Schaibel Auditorium, Dr. Leroy Hulsey will present the findings and conclusions detailed in his team’s September 2017 progress report, which will also be issued today.

The presentation will be livestreamed at so that viewers across the U.S. and around the world can watch.

The draft report of the study will then be published later in the fall. A six-week public comment period will follow the release of the draft report, allowing for input from the public and the engineering community. The final report, which will incorporate constructive comments and will be vetted by peer reviewers, will then be published in early 2018.

For more information, please visit UAF’s event page.

And get this: his research focus has been on the effect of temperature extremes on structural systems. Isn't it claimed that the "office fires" (according to NIST) caused the steel to heat up to the point of failure? 

Leroy Hulsey

Leroy Hulsey
  • Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Professor, Ph.D., P. E., S.E., Civil Engineering
  • (907) 474-7816
  • Duckering 243B
  • 1976 Ph.D. Structural Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla
  • 1968-1971 Post Graduate, University of Illinois
  • 1966 M. S. Civil Engineering, University of Missouri at Rolla
  • 1965 B. S. Civil Engineering, Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
  • UAF, Chi-Epsilon Award for Excellence in Teaching, Rocky Mountain District, 1999-2000
  • UMR, Outstanding Teaching Awards, 1972-73, 1973-74, and 1974-75
  • NCSU, Outstanding Teaching Award, 1979
Working with Students
Dr. Hulsey focuses on working with students to achieve a high quality education. His research is in the fields of bridge engineering and effects of temperature extremes on structural systems like composite wall panels for buildings. His work blends a strong experimental component with the fundamentals of theory. Dr. Hulsey has expertise in mathematical modeling using state-of-art methods in finite element, finite difference and theoretical solid mechanics. Funding isavailable for graduate students to work on the analysis or testing of bridges.
So, at 5 PM if you're on the West Coast, 7 PM Central, or 8 PM Eastern, let's tune-in to Dr. Hulsey and hear what he has to say. He's independent. He is not a mole. He can think, and he has the knowledge with which to think. And I doubt that any of his peers and colleagues in the engineering community are going to confront him or contest what he says. I'll be very surprised if any do. They don't want to mess with him. They know better than to mess with him. And that's because they know that he knows his stuff.  

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