Tuesday, March 26, 2019

There is a very iniquitous thing that occurs in the JFK world: an unholy alliance between Oswald accusers and Oswald defenders. 

For example, Mark "Pink" O'Blazney is an Oswald accuser. He calls himself a "personal researcher" and says that has been his occupation since 1978. That's what it says on his Linked profile. But, he says that's been his job, so how does one make money as a personal researcher? I figure, either you' are being paid by someone to do it, or you are writing a book which you intend to sell. Well, Mark "Pink" O'Blazney hasn't published any books between 1978 and 2019, or at any other time, for that matter, so it's not the latter. He's pretty much a full-time JFK troll, which is to say that he hangs around the various forums and batters people he doesn't like, particularly if they defend Oswald. He says things that aren't funny, and then puts "LOL." Oh, he's a big LOLer.  Loves the LOL. Can't get enough LOL.

You know, I look at that face, and I don't see him laughing at anything. Laughed at? Sure; that's a given. But not doing the laughing. 

So, for Pink O'Blazney, the LOL isn't about laughing. It's about loathing. That's what he's about. He does not laugh. 

But then, there's Joseph Backes who claims to be an Oswald defender. Well, let me qualify that: he never actually defends Oswald. And, he never gives the impression that he likes Oswald or feels any compassion for him. But, he does dispute the official story. He faults the Dallas Police. He says that the Dallas Police made up Oswald's whole odyssey of how he left Dealey Plaza. He actually said that rather than travel by bus and cab, that it's more likely that somebody pulled up in front of the TSBD in a private car, and yelled up at Oswald, "Get in the fucking car, Oswald!" He actually wrote that, and it makes me laugh. But, I am not going to say LOL, since it's been so horribly pinkified.

And Backes accuses the Dallas Police of coercing witnesses like bus driver Cecil MacWatters and cab driver William Whaley to lie. And he accuses Dallas Police of conjuring up Mary Bledsoe out of thin air, that she didn't exist. And that's really strange considering that she testified to the Warren Commission and brought a lawyer with her. But, Backes accuses the WC of fabricating pages and pages of Billy Lovelady's testimony, especially when he talked about his "trek to the tracks" with Bill Shelley.  

So Backes hurls a lot of accusations at the principals in the case, and one gets the impression that that's his main purpose, but every so often he will say that Oswald was framed, that he didn't kill Kennedy.

But, what I want you to consider is this: Backes and I both say that Oswald was innocent, while Pink O'Blazney says that Oswald was guilty. And Backes is even comfortable with Oswald being in the doorway, but as Prayer Man rather than Doorman. He has spoken well of the Prayermanites. 

All right, it's not exactly a stirring endorsement, but he is respectful to those who makes the claim that Oswald was in the doorway as Prayer Man, and he expresses a willingness to consider that they may be right. 

So, my point is that you would think that, in this situation, an alliance between Backes and Pink would be impossible. They are as polarized as polarized can be. Their positions are as distant and diametrically opposed as they could be. So, why are they friends? How is it that they get along? How come there is never a disparaging word between them when they do not agree at all, and that's putting it mildly? 

The guy on the left doesn't look like he has LOLed since he was 6. And, it only goes to show that the JFK world is a dark, dirty, sleazy world, an underworld, and there is no LOLing going on. The intensity of the animosity rules out any LOLing. Disagreements about history should not engender this much animosity. But then again, this is the JFK assassination we are talking about.   

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