Sunday, January 24, 2021

I have the freeway sign circled in this aerial view of Dealey Plaza. You can see how far away it was from the top of the Plaza at the intersection of Elm and Houston. 

And you can visually estimate where Zapruder was, opposite the pedestal that is clearly in view. Now remember how slow the limo was going. So, how long would it have taken to reach that sign? A lot longer than it appears in the film. In the Z-film, you can see the sign at the top of the hill.

Do you see it in the lower right corner? What's it doing way up there? That is truly absurd. I keep telling you that they cut out a huge swath of the film to remove the part where JFK rode down the hill after being shot in the back.
And why is the sign at this angle when it was perpendicular to the road, as street signs always are?

See what I mean?

That sign would not appear the way it does in the Zapruder film. And it would not appear where it is in the Zapruder film. They decided to use that sign as the magician's curtain. 

"Look at President Kennedy. He seems fine when he disappears behind the freeway sign. Then, when he re-emerges, he is obviously in great trouble. So, everything happened behind the sign. Everything, that is, except the fatal head shot. But, nothing happened to him before he passed behind that sign. If you are wondering when the Magic Bullet struck him and traversed him, it was behind that sign. I'm sorry we don't have footage of it, but you see, he was behind the sign. Behind the sign, behind the sign, behind the sign. It all happened behind the sign."

We been played, folks, and they used the Zapruder film to play us. 


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