Friday, January 1, 2021

In that den of Ops called JFK Assassination Forum, a friend of mine tried to post about the phoniness of the Black-Eyed Guy being called "Ruby" that is, the Garage Shooter. The guy on the right, with the black spheres over his eyes, which were put there, and probably to imply that he was wearing sunglasses is like a cartoon character, and only an idiot could believe that it's shadow over his eye, since there was nothing that could cast such a shadow. Do you want to put it to a Physics professor? 

That guy on the right is a freak; not in real life but rather, a photographic freak. Not only is the black elliptical sphere over his eye fake, but his whole face is a creation. Look how mangled his ear looks. Look at the distance between his ear and his sideburn. Then, if you're a guy, look at yourself in the mirror, and you'll see that your sideburn is snug up against your ear, like this guy. There is no gap. 

You see how close they are, the sideburn and the ear? They're snug, right? Now look and see that it was the same for Ruby on the right below. He wasn't a freak. 

Let's compare these two. Do you want to say they are the same ear? I hope not because they are extremely different, and the one on left doesn't even look real unless the guy was a fighter and had a mangled "cauliflower ear" from boxing. I don't know who that guy was on the left, but I know he wasn't Ruby; nor was he Bookhout. And whoever he was, they did massive alteration to his face, and crudely. This is a joke. Those arrogant bastards thought they could get away with anything. And if people are going to be stupid enough to fall for this in 2021, then they'll believe anything-whatever government and media tell them. This is comical. It is outrageous. 

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