Monday, October 25, 2021

Biden delayed the release of the remaining JFK documents, pushing back further the delay ordered by Trump.

So, it doesn't matter who is in the White House; government will always protect itself. 

And in Biden's case, I'm sure it wasn't even his decision. He just did what he was told. 

If the JFK assassination really was just what they claimed- Oswald shooting Kennedy, and Ruby shooting Oswald- there would have been no need to seal anything, let alone keep it sealed 58 years later. 

The Official Story of the JFK assassination is a grotesque lie. It is SO obvious that Oswald didn't do it, starting with the fact that you can see him standing in the doorway during the shooting and even recognize his clothes. 

In the case of Ruby, there's been no universal clamor for his exoneration, but the evidence for his innocence is just as strong, including the photographic evidence. 

The evil that was the JFK assassination is now on the hands, not of the perpetrators who did it, but on the legions of government and media who have perpetuated the lie for over half a century. That's what is really at stake: not villifying Dulles and Johnson and them, although that's warranted. But, the fact is that those guys are long gone while the cover-up continues unabated. But, it is going to collapse. The truth genie is out of the bottle, and she is not going back in. There is going to be a reckoning. Oswald will be vindicated, and Ruby will be pitied as the poor victimized sap that he was. 

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