Sunday, October 31, 2021

This is the famous photo that won the Pulitizer Prize, but it is ridiculous. You need to realize that this was AFTER the shot. So, the shot has already gone off, and Oswald has reacted to it. He has screamed and moaned, And then, for some reason, he has slapped his arm to his chest. Who does that after being shot? And why?  

That is a lot to happen in that cramped, crowded space, and it's a lot to react to, and I mean in a startled way. But who looks startled in that picture? Nobody. Let's analyze it from left to right. On the far left is Fritz, and even though Oswald has been shot, has screamed, and has slapped his arm to his chest, Fritz hasn't even turned around. Let me tell you: if somebody in your space got shot right behind you, you would jump, flinch, and turn around, and I mean fast. And remember that Fritz is the one in charge there. He's the top person there. I have a feeling that he didn't want to turn around, and that way if he was asked what happened, what he saw, he could say nothing because he was turned around.  

But, let's move on. Next is Detective Lowery who is clasping his hands in front of his body, like a Jehovah Witness standing at your door. So, even though Oswald has been shot, has screamed, and has slapped his arm to his chest, Lowery is still clasping his hands and looking perfectly relaxed? Are you buying that? But, let's move on. 

Next is that officer in uniform standing behind Oswald. Can you see that he is not looking at Oswald or at the Shooter but rather at the camera? Remember that you are, in effect, the camera, and he is looking at you. Can you see that he is looking at you? How can he be doing that when someone right in front of him just got shot?

Next is the top NBC reporter that day: Tom Pettit. Look at his expression. Is it the expression of someone who has just witnessed a violent act and a very extreme situation? No. He looks as cool as a cucumber. Both his facial expression and his body language tell you that he is not startled. 

Then, the guy on the far right is supposed to be Detective Blackie Henderson, but I don't think it is. But, that's who he is supposed to be. And he is smoking a little cigar, as Blackie liked to do. But, a man has just been shot, and he's screamed, and the shooter still has the gun and is pointing it. So how could Blackie continue smoking that cigar and preoccupying one of his hands to do it? 

You notice that his right arm is extended. What is he supposed to be doing? Believe it or not, he is supposed to be reaching for the gun to disarm the shooter. So, he did that with one hand, so that he could continue smoking like Groucho Marx with the other? That's what we are supposed to believe. In real life, how quickly would the officer discard the cigar in order to go into action? He would do is instantly. 

So, what's Oswald's arm-slapping all about? It didn't happen, it was an afterthought, a photo manipulation. You see, this wasn't a real shooting. Oswald wasn't really shot. This was a staged photo-shoot they did beforehand. And the only way they could hide the absence of trauma is by covering up the whole area where the bullet supposedly entered. 

So, that is the purpose of Oswald's arm-slap and Leavelle's goofy hand-in-the-pants. They didn't have any trauma to show, and that meant they had to cover up the whole area.

And they gave this the Pulitzer Prize? God Almighty. We have been living in a manipulated  and controlled world  telling us what to think for a very long time. 

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