Friday, August 5, 2022

One thing I disagree with the Architects and Engineers about is over whether they will ever prevail in court. In their case against NIST about their bogus report concerning the collapse of Building 7, the judge dismissed it today "on standing," meaning that he ruled that all NIST had to do was report something, anything, that the accuracy of the report did not matter and could not be challenged in court. But, that is ridiculous. It means that they could claim that the building collapsed because a little birdie flew into it, and it could not be challenged. Obviously, that is an extremely dangerous precedent to set.

So, now AE911truth wants more money to appeal that decision. They don't get it that 911 truth is never going to be upheld in court. And that's because the core of 9/11 truth is that the U.S. government did it. And the court is an agency of the U.S. government. The judge is an employee of the U.S. government. And when you attack the official story of 9/11, you are attacking and accusing the U.S. government. Even if you don't say that outright, it is clearly implied. So, the judge is, in effect, protecting his employer and his own job. Because: if the U.S. government did 9/11, then it has no legitimacy, and it is entitled to no authority. It means that it is a criminal organization. All of that is implicit in 9/11 truth. So, how can it prevail in the court system of the U.S. government? It can't. 

It's like the proverbial wolf guarding the hen house. AE911truth has as much chance of prevailing in court as Alex Jones has.


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