Saturday, October 15, 2022

In the Z film, JFK was out of his mind

It is truly amazing what we see in the Z film: JFK smiling and waving as he passes behind the sign and then emerging in a state of panic and his mind completely gone. And the indisputable thing is that he did NOT smile and wave before reaching the sign. You only have to look at the Croft, Betzner, and Willis photos to see that he stopped waving long before he reached the sign. That part of his descent of the hill was cut out of the Zapruder film. 

The Willis photo is, reportedly, the last image of JFK before he got shot, and taken a split second before he got shot. Does he appear to be waving? And notice that Jackie had stopped working her side of the street. She's facing him. Why is she doing that and ignoring her responsibility? There is no indication that he is waving there. And note that his whole image is very muddled. It lacks photographic detail and precision. It could very well be paint. And note that we're seeing the freeway sign there. We can see just the bottom of it at the top right. 

But, my interest now is on Kennedy's mental state in Z225 and beyond, and the fact is that he was gone mentally. He could not grasp what was going on, what had happened to him, and he could not respond to it. 

Here's the before shot Z189. It's the last we see of Kennedy before he disappears behind the sign. Notice that he's turned to the crowd and waving. He is doing his job, and he is totally fine mentally. That really is him, and it really did happen. What's fake in this is the sign. This was much higher on the hill, far from the sign. The sign that we are seeing in this image is fake. It's not even at the right angle. The sign was at 90 degrees to the street, while this sign is facing the street. The line of the limo, which is a stand-in for the the road, should be at 90 degrees to the sign. Is it? Does that look like 90 degrees to you?  

Here's the real sign:

That's what a 90 degree angle looks like. 

They used their fake sign like a magician's curtain. Before: Kennedy was OK: and After: he was a different man, not just physically, but mentally. 

So, this is him after, with his arms in spasm. He cannot release the contractions. Jackie is trying, in vain, to get him to relax the arm that she is holding, but she can't do it. He is as stiff as a board. 

But, at this point, he has suffered no brain damage. There is no reason why his mind should not have been sharp. And remember who he was: the hero of the PT 109 attack, where he was entirely in capacity and in focus throughout the crisis of survival. But, as you watch the Z film, you can see that he does not understand what is going on, and he is totally incapable of generating any response to it or taking any evasive action. Is he aware that he has been shot? He had to know that something was terribly wrong, but I doubt it rose to the level of a coherent thought.  If he was aware, and if he could think straight, he'd have gotten down, and gotten his wife down, and covered her.  Note that he didn't speak. It's been claimed that he couldn't speak because he was shot in the throat. Was his voice box damaged? The Secret Service agents at the autopsy would not allow Dr. Hume to dissect Kennedy's neck. So, we don't know about it. But, even if it was damaged, he would try to talk, if his mind was intact. He would have said things like "Get down" and "Floor it." And if he couldn't talk, he would have gestured it. But, JFK never spoke, or tried to speak; nor did he do anything. 

Rapidly, his muscle rigidity increased. Such spasticity is related to upper motor neuron lesions, but Kennedy didn't have any. His central nervous system was intact. 

So, his physical trauma to this point can't account for that muscle binding. But, it's his mental torpidity, that is, his complete and total mental dysfunctionality and helplessness that screams at us that something happened to him: something that physical trauma cannot explain. 

And from that point on, he was like the proverbial pillar of salt. Look how little movement he made up until the final frame before the fatal head shot.

Compare those two images of him. He was zombified. He was frozen. He was frozen physically and frozen mentally. 

How do you account for that? And why has nobody but me raised it as an issue? And I'm not saying it to brag or credit myself. I'm saying it in disgust, that so many people could be so blind. KENNEDY WAS COMPLETELY GONE MENTALLY, DESPITE HAVING SUFFERED NO BRAIN DAMAGE. How do you account for that? 

Well, it's a default situation. If he suffered no brain damage, and yet his brain was effectively gone, what took it out? It had to be a chemical. He must have been hit early-on with a special missile that contained a chemical agent or agents that could cause these effects.  And I mean the spasmodic paralysis and the mental collapse. 

That missile was a frozen flechette that contained shellfish toxin that hit him high on the hill before the Croft photo was taken, when he was still adjacent to the TSBD- a long way from the Kill Zone. It was a preparatory shot, meant to take the PT 109 out of him, before the real attack began. 

We are talking about a visible phenomenon that has to be explained, and there is no other explanation but this. This is checkmate. This is what happened. JFK was shot with the "heart attack gun."


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