Sunday, October 9, 2022

Think about what Oswald's blood stain on the floor entailed.

 Oswald was, supposedly, placed on the floor. and presumably, on his back. Since his back was on the floor, how could blood go from his back to the floor? That is: why was there blood on his back? He was bleeding from only one place, and it was in front. His gunshot wound was only 5 inches from his sternum, and it was the only place from which blood could have been coming out. So, if blood was coming out there, how could it get on his back and then get transferred to the floor? Imagine how much bleeding would have involved for that to happen.  

And just a few seconds after he was removed from that spot on the floor, we can see him on the stretcher in the garage.

I don't know what we're supposed to be seeing there. Why does his hand look waxen, and what is that white underneath his hand?

What the hell is that supposed to be? My guess is that somebody decided to sell the idea that someone placed a white cloth over Oswald's wound, and then they placed his hand over the cloth, I guess, to hold it in place. Or, were they trying to suggest that his hand was placed directly over the wound, and then they put the cloth over his hand? Is that what it's supposed to be? Who the hell knows. But, the point is that there is no sign of any blood. And since that's the only place blood could have come from, how could the floor get  bloodied?  

It's all just storytelling. It's all made up. The official story of the Oswald shooting is just as preposterous as the official story of the JFK shooting. And if you think you're helping by pushing the story of Ruby being a Mafioso and killing Oswald to save his sister, you are doing the bidding of the very people you are trying to expose. They are conning you. They own you. If you don't know that Ruby was innocent, you don't know a damn thing about the Oswald shooting. 

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