Thursday, June 29, 2023


It's very unfortunate that very few people have recognized that JFK was stupefied in the Zapruder film. He couldn't speak. He couldn't think. He couldn't respond. He was mentally vacuous. He was like a zombie. What could have caused that? It wasn't physical trauma. All he incurred to that point was a shallow wound in his back that was inconsequential, and a shallow wound to his throat that did some damage to his tracheal rings on the left side, but he suffered no brain damage.

So, why was his mind gone? It's because the missile that hit him in the back delivered a nerve agent, and perhaps other drugs. He was inebriated. And he was also dysfuncitonal. His muscles were in spasm. He had no control over them. He couldn't put his arms down. They were frozen in spasm. Also, his hands were locked in flexion at the knuckle joints. He wasn't trying to do that. It was just happening to him. Poor Jackie tried to coax his arm down, but in vain. He was fucked up, but not from trauma; but rather, from poisoning. There is no other explanation for what we can see, including in this frame.
So, why didn't people recognize it? Well first, the medical profession didn't help. They copped out. Dr. John Lattimer made the ridiculous claim that Kennedy was exhibiting a Thorburn reaction, which he certainly was not. But, the bigger reason is that the JFK assassination was such a singular event, it's like it happened in its own world, that things that would never go unchallenged elsewhere, are accepted, such as Kennedy's bizarre behavior and bizarre presentation in the Zapruder film. Anything goes in JFK-land.
I am reminded of the ending of one my favorite movies, Chinatown. "It's Chinatown, Jake" which meant that anything can happen in Chinatown, including weird shit. And weird shit can happen in the JFK assassination and precisely and soley because it was the JFK assassination.

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