Saturday, June 17, 2023

 Take what happened to Oswald and imagine that it happened today. Say that Jeffrey Epstein was being led somewhere by a couple cops, and somebody rushed in and shot him there at the Metropolitan Jail. And let's say that, as with Oswald, it was very clean, where you don't see any blood or gore, and let's say that, likewise, it was all over in less than a minute; a brief frenzy where you couldn't see a thing, and then when the space cleared, everyone was gone, Epstein, the shooter, and all the cops who were involved; they all vanished. Would you buy it?

You know, of course, what happened to Epstein, supposedly, was that he committed suicide. But, skepticism about it is rampant. The number of people who doubt that Epstein killed himself is so huge, it may be the biggest conspiracy belief of all.

The truth is that the killing of Oswald has no credibility at all. They all but explicitly announced in advance that it was going to happen. They went on the radio to declare how much they expected that someone was going to attack Oswald at that jail transfer. Then they march Oswald out with all the pomp and circumstance of a West Point graduation. Then, we see two men, Fritz and McMillan, nodding signals, so that everybody got their cue. Then, speaking of production cues, a horn honks right when the trio enters, and then it honks again just before the Shooter bolted in. Watch it yourself and you'll see that at 13:12, you hear the second honk, and then instantly, you see the Shooter bolt in. It was as tightly correlated as the gunshot that starts a 100 yard dash.

I guess they didn't trust Bookhout. They must have told him to wait until he was cued by that second horn honk to make his move.

Then, you had Fritz stopping and shoving this cop out of the way because he knew he was going to need a lot of elbow room to act surprised. And then, right before Bookhout bolts in, you can distinctly see Jim Leavelle turn his head to his right, and that's because he did not want to see "Ruby" coming in. He wanted to be looking elsewhere.

Then the Shooter did a swan dive into the waiting arms of police. Oh yeah, that wascredible. We see that all the time. And then in the phony scuffle that followed, his hat and maybe even his wig fell off, and they had to quickly cover his head with something- and you can see them covering his head with something; it's not in doubt that that happened.

And then, somehow, they all knew that they were going to take him in through the corner door. No one got the idea to use the double doors, which were much more accessible. And no one got the idea to handcuff him in the garage. Isn't that strange? It seems like somebody would have been itching to get cuffs on him, right there and the.

Then, there was the Stampede. In the movie business, we refer to such performers as Extras.

In 2023, there are still people who think that dog and pony show was real? That's incredible. But, I know what to attribute it to. Two words come to mind: government schools. 

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