Friday, August 9, 2024

 Dee McFarlane posted the two images top left to show that Freako the Pirate (with the patch over his eye) wasn't Ruby. And Dee is right. However, the image he used of Ruby in the Jail Office may have been him, but it's still a doctored image. Ruby's hair wasn't like that. He didn't have thick, wooly patches. The truth is that Ruby was almost totally bald on top, and every image that we see of him following the assassination was doctored. THEY KEPT GIVING RUBY HAIR. But, since it was done individually, by individual artists, it never looked the same way twice. Some artists were lazy and enhanced his bald head very little. Others were generous and gave him a full head of hair. It just depended on who wielded the brush.

I have made hair collages of Ruby before, but I never run out of samples to make each collage unique. The range of what they did with Ruby's hair was extreme, going from practically bald to a full head of hair. But, why did they do it?
They did it because the Garage Shooter, particularly in the Jackson photo, which is the most famous image of the Shooter, shows him with a thick mop of hair. Actually, it was a wig worn by FBI Agent James Bookhout. But, with that much hair showing at the bottom, he could hardly be bald on top. So, it became necessary to enhance Ruby's hair from then on, for the rest of his life, and they did. All those press photos, every single one of them, was doctored.
This is the naked exposure of the fact that the case against Jack Ruby was a fraud. He was innocent. Completely, totally innocent. But, he was so impaired mentally, so totally bonkers, that he was incapable of helping himself.
And be careful when they tell you that he admitted shooting Oswald. He accepted that he shot Oswald. He said he had no thought to do it and no memory of having done it. He only believed that he did it because Dallas Police told him that he did. All he remembered was standing there in the basement when, all of a sudden, the Police jumped him. He didn't know why. And so, he protested, wailing "What are you doing? You know me. I'm Jack Ruby- not some criminal." He honestly didn't know why they were doing it to him when he hadn't done anything. They waited until they got him up to the 5th floor before telling him that he shot Oswald.
And this was all before the Spectacle went down. Ruby got there much earlier, and they were waiting for him. He told the Warren Commissioners that he sent the money wire at 10:17. Right away, a Secret Service agent, who was in San Francisco at the time, corrected him, saying it was 11:21. Actually, that was the time the Spectacle got broadcast. But, Ruby remembered it right.
The State needed Oswald dead. They not only couldn't let him go to trial; they couldn't even let him talk to a lawyer. Oswald never turned down a lawyer from H. Louis Nichols. That was another sleight of hand. They waited until Oswald was taken to his Saturday evening interrogation, and then they put the Oswald double in his cell to interact with Nichols and turn down his offer.
The State killed Kennedy, and then they killed Oswald. Ruby was just window dressing for it. And he was so drugged out of his mind that he went along with it.
If you care about the truth, and if you want to stand up to the Deep State and its crimes, then you need to champion Oswald and Ruby innocence. They were both innocent. They were very different, as Oswald had his wits about him while Ruby didn't. But, they were both innocent.

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