Saturday, August 10, 2024

 It occurred to me that we really should compare an image of Ruby in a Fedora Hat to Freako Man to get a good comparison. However, I could find only one photo of Ruby in a Fedora hat. He was standing outside the Carousel Club at night, and it was a straight-on shot; so a very different angle and a poor comparison. But then, I remembered the film that was discovered of Ruby at the Dallas Easter Parade in April 1960, so 3.5 years before. So, this is a comparison of Freako Man to that.

So, comparing the top two images, we see Freako's mangled ear. Bob Burgess acknowledged that it's distorted, but he seems to think that distortions just happen in photos, and you're not supposed to inquire about them. You're just supposed to shrug.
But, I'll point out that Ruby on the upper right, being a normal man and not a freak, his sideburn is directly in front of his ear; they are snug. Freako Man has a huge gap between his sideburn and his ear. And that's one of the reasons I call him Freako Man.
Note too that the pitted, catcher's mitt face of Freako Man is not seen on Ruby. That's another reason I call him Freako Man.
Now realize that Freako Man and the Garage Shooter are supposed to be one and the same person. So, look at Freako Man and then look down at the Garage Shooter from the Jackson photo. Are they the same man? If you think so, how did his hair in back get so much longer on the Shooter? How come the Shooter has a little knot in his hat ribbon while Freako Man doesn't? How come the Shooter looks so thick and burly around his neck while Freako Man looks gangly and lanky? Does anyone think that those two are the same man?
Finally, in the film from 1960, Ruby took his hat off to comb his hair. Look at the lower right. Is that not a weird pattern of baldness for him to retain a thick tuft of hair right in front but have a huge lake of baldness behind it? That is not how men go bald. I have never seen a man go bald in that manner. But, if Ruby was that bald in 1960, he had to be balder 3 1/2 years later. You do realize that baldness is progressive, right? And a man can lose a lot of hair in 3 1/2 years. So, what little hair Ruby had in April 1960, he had to have less in November 1963. So, considering that, how can the Garage Shooter, with that thick mop of hair, be Jack Ruby?
It's all very dirty, and it's all very bloodied.

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