Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I am reading The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot. And before Joseph Backes says that I'm not really reading it because I would never buy and read a book, I’d like to shut him up:

 Talbot refers to the "deep state" that killed Kennedy. Here is a sentence which lays out what that term means. Talbot was addressing the rivalry between the Kennedys and the Rockefellers, and he pointed out that "The Kennedys were indeed more successful at the rough-and-tumble of politics than the Rockefellers" (although that was only true because of one Kennedy, JFK, right?)  But, Talbot went on to say: 

"JFK fully appreciated that the Rockefellers held a unique place in the pantheon of American power, one rooted not so much within the democratic system as within what scholars would later refer to as 'the deep state' - that subterranean network of financial, intelligence, and military interests that guided national policy no matter who occupied the White House." 

The deep state.  Gotta love the term because it's so short; so concise; and yet, it gives you chills.

But, no matter how well organized the deep state was at the time, it still came down to acting individuals. Individuals killed Kennedy. They were working together and bolstering each other, but everyone who was involved in the plot killed Kennedy- as much so as the men who pulled the triggers. They all have blood on their hands.

But, these individuals, including Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angleton, McGeorge Bundy, to name three, undoubtedly felt justified. They strongly and firmly believed that Kennedy deserved death for having compromised not just the interests of the United States, but importantly, the security of the United States.  That's what gave them the moral certitude.  John F. Kennedy was a traitor. He betrayed the US over Cuba, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and more. He was talking about pursuing complete nuclear disarmament. The fact that he was the father of two young children didn’t matter; he had to die. But, Oswald too was the father of two children even younger, and what had Oswald done to deserve death?  There wasn’t even an ideological or theoretical basis to justify killing him. In a sense, what they did to Oswald was even more monstrous than what they did to Kennedy. How ruthless do you have to be to kill someone as innocent as Oswald?  Pretty damn ruthless, and Allen Dulles was.    

During World War II, Allen Dulles was chief of the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA. Dulles got word that the Japanese were willing to surrender and all they asked (their only condition) was that their Emperor, who was primarily a religious figure and a powerless figurehead like the Queen of England, be exempted from the war crimes tribunals. Everyone else in the Japanese government and military could be charged, tried and put to death, if deemed necessary by the American occupiers, but they wanted their Emperor left alone. Of course, Truman made the decision to drop the a-bombs, and after that and for the rest of his life, he kept raising the number of lives that he saved by doing it. But, we never did go after Emperor Hirohito, and he lived to the ripe old age of 88 and died in 1989. So, why the Hell couldn’t they agree to that condition before dropping the bombs and thereby avoid dropping them? They granted it anyway. 

But, it wasn’t about that. It was about trying out the bombs and sending a message to the Soviets- in the form of a demonstration- that we were going to be ruling the roost in the post-war era, and they better know it.   

John V. Denson in The Hiroshima Myth fingered Allen Dulles in the decision to drop the nuclear bombs on Japan. He said Dulles was “at the center of it.” It was Dulles who attended the Potsdam Conference in Switzerland and then reported to Secretary of War Henry Stimson, who then went to Truman singing “Bombs Away!” The Assistant Secretary of War at that time was Allen Dulles’ good friend and longtime associate John McCloy, who later served with Dulles on the Warren Commission. Get the picture? 

What was Allen Dulles’ position?  You only have to listen to his jaded brother, John Foster Dulles:  

“To accomplish the goal (of establishing US supremacy after the war), we will need a very good tally. I would say a million.”

That son of a bitch meant a million dead in Japan from atomic bombs!  And they named an airport in Washington DC after him.

Like his brother, Allen Dulles had no problem with killing vast numbers of innocent people.  So, killing Kennedy and Oswald? That was nothing to him- like water off a duck’s back. I’m sure he didn’t lose a wink of sleep over it. Dulles was incapable of human emotion. His own wife called him "the shark."  And, he was utterly deluded.  Allen Dulles was a sick, twisted, deranged monster; a psychopath. When he said in 1965, “That little Kennedy; he thought he was God,” he should have been talking about himself.

The Founding Father established a system by which Presidents could be removed from power. It's called impeachment. Why didn't Dulles and his cohorts seek to impeach Kennedy? And after impeaching him, if successful, they could have pursued criminal charges against him; tried to have him locked up. Why did they take matters in their own hands? Why did they circumvent the law and the Constitution? Why did they resort to crime? Why did they resort to murder? In doing so, they showed contempt for this country. We are supposed to be a nation of laws, where nobody is above the law, not even the leaders.

When Dulles and company killed Kennedy, they didn't save the U.S.; they wrecked it. They killed democracy in America. They also killed truth in government and thrust the U.S. government into a permanent state of lying.  They showed contempt for the rule of law; contempt for the U.S. Constitution; and worst of all, contempt for the American people.  

In killing Kennedy, they foolishly expected a better result than they got. Do you think they expected that 52 years later researchers would still be pouring through the evidence, working furiously and feverishly to expose their monstrous crime? I doubt it. And let’s be frank: the cover-up has NOT gone well for them. And realize that they didn’t know that personal computing and the internet were coming.  Look at the difference that has made, especially to studying the images. I’m sure we would never have been able to do what we’ve done. Case in point: Larry Rivera's recent work:

 Allen Dulles was a psychopathic megalomaniac. And the irony is that he was in charge of depicting Lee Harvey Oswald as a psychopathic megalomaniac. According to many, Allen Dulles was the real head of the Warren Commission, and it appears that he and his good friend John McCloy were the two Warren Commissioners who had full knowledge and complete awareness of what really happened. They knew exactly how Kennedy died because they killed him. That means that everything they did during the proceedings was a big act. Every word they spoke was a big lie. 

I learned something from OIC Chairman Larry Rivera yesterday. He told me that many images from the JFK assassination were destroyed.  He said that FBI agents monitored all the photo developing labs in Dallas and poured through films the public brought in to seek and remove any damaging images. Doesn't that sound like something that would happen in Nazi Germany? 

Larry agrees with me that this Betzner image below was cropped to cut out the doorway because Lee Harvey Oswald was in it. 

It was a very old Kodak camera that Betzner used, from 1937. It was a very basic box camera. Betzner was halfway down Houston Street, and at that distance, he would surely have captured a much wider field than what we see above. They cropped it to that unnatural width to keep Oswald and the whole doorway out of the picture. They could have left part of the doorway, but they didn't even want to remind people that there was a doorway there. 

The Altgens photo and the Wiegman film are the only surviving images of Oswald in the doorway that we have, but there were definitely others, and perhaps quite a few. 

Take a look at the first picture again. Look at the poster on the wall behind me:

That is from our conference in Santa Barbara. It says: JFK 50th: The Assassination of America. Jim Fetzer thought of that title, and it's a great one because that's what the killing of Kennedy was: the assassination of America. 


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