Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I really hope that your inability to write is not reflective of the entire Australian educational system, Unger, because that would be sad. 

Perhaps you are not aware of it but sending unsolicited emails is the very definition of spamming. I will urge the members to report you as a spammer- if you do it. 

As the administrator of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, I am publicly informing you that you are not welcome to contact the members, and you may be hearing from our chairman, Larry Rivera, similarly. 

And it's not a matter of either of us fearing that you are going to pick off any of our members. It's a matter of spamming, the fact that most people are dealing with far too much unsolicited email as it is, and they don't want any more. 

It's different if someone posts their email on a public website inviting people to write to them. Then, they asked for it. But, in this case, what you are proposing to do would definitely be spamming. If you don't believe me then research it. 

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