Saturday, April 24, 2021

You heard about Russian dissident Alexei Navalny being poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok and almost dying from it. And it was absorbed through the skin, the intact skin. This is what it does: 

It overstimulates the nervous system, interfering with muscle function, causing spasms.

 Does that sound familiar? I can show you a picture of it. JFK was not in control of his muscles. He was in spasm, the effect of a nerve agent. And it didn't absorb through his intact skin, rather his violated skin. A frozen missile tore into his skin, and the chemical agent got immediately into his bloodstream. I doubt it was Novichok. Shellfish toxin is what CIA Director William Colby referred to at the Church Hearings. But, that is also a nerve agent. We are seeing the effect of that poisoning here. That's what the back shot was all about. It was not a bullet. It was a frozen dart embedded with a powerful toxin, a nerve agent. 

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