Sunday, May 2, 2021

The story of the Zapruder film is that JFK was riding down Elm Street, a mature adult in a state of lucidness, awareness, and cognizance, and then he passed behind the Stemmons freeway sign and emerged from it in the mental state of a helpless child. What could have happened to him to turn him from being a competent man into a helpless child? Post-sign, he was mentally incapable of grasping what was going on, and he was completely incapable of doing anything about it, of responding to it. His passivity, under the circumstance, is inexplicable and unacceptable. He also had weird muscle spasming going on.  

But, the most baffling question is: why did people looking at this not react to his bizarre and inappropriate behavior? Why didn't they ask what could have induced such weird behavior?  

It wasn't due to physical trauma. All he suffered in the way of physical trauma at this point was an extremely shallow wound in his back, which didn't even go deep enough to reach muscle, according to Dr. Humes; and a shallow wound in his throat. That's it. How could either or both of those traumas cause him to be so mentally lost and incompetent? They couldn't. They wouldn't. They didn't. Something other than physical trauma had to be responsible. There is only one possibility: a chemical; one that affected his brain and his nerves.

But, let's get back to the question of why people who saw the film didn't ask, "What is wrong with him mentally? Why is he so mentally deranged?" 

Of course, until 1975, the only ones viewing the film were those who were involved in covering up its contents. It doesn't matter what they thought, so let's say from 1975 on. 

Of course, the official story was, and is, that JFK was traversed by a bullet, which is obviously much more severe. But despite that, the story was that he suffered no neurological damage. So, even if one assumes that the Single Bullet Theory is true, it provides no basis to account for his mental aberration. And I am going to repeat something I have said before, that if the SBT were true, I believe he would have collapsed. 

But, he did collapse mentally, so why did people viewing the film not say anything about his mental collapse?   I think it was because they had never seen anything like this before; they had nothing to compare it to. Then, there was the incredible violence of the fatal headshot, with the artificial red cloud that they added and his violent head motion "back and to the left."   That became the talking point and thinking point, of any viewer, such that Kennedy's bizarre, inexplicable mental behavior got lost in the shuffle. 

Many have asked, why did they leave the violent head shot in? Well, now you know why: to keep the viewer focused on that and not on the change in Kennedy's countenance, awareness, and demeanor.

But, it's time to look at that: straight-on, that he was riding down the hill his normal self, then he passed behind the sign and emerged a completely different person, and the degree of his mental incompetence cannot be explained by any physical trauma, real or imagined. 

There is nothing else like the Zapruder film. There is nothing else like the JFK assassination. It really does exist in a singular world; its own world. I refer to it as JFK Land. And JFK Land is a different dimension. And pervading it all is the weight of Officialdom telling you what you are seeing and how to interpret it. The acceptance of JFK's weird behavior and radically different mental state is something that everyone has done: even those who vehemently reject the official story. The fact is: they don't oppose the official story as much as they think they do. They still accept the instant change in JFK's behavior- like good little boys and girls. Well, it's time to stop doing that. JFK looked and acted inebriated because he was inebriated- from a chemical agent that was shot into him. 




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