Friday, May 14, 2021

Look at the Altgens photo. How far from the intersection was JFK's limo? Not that far, The Ford Galaxy is still at the intersection, and the Presidential limo is just 4 car lengths in front of it. So, that's how early the Altgens photo was taken. 

But, when you look at what it displays, it shows JFK reacting the way we see him do in the Zapruder film post-sign, raising his hands to his throat. But, how could that be happening already when the limo is just a few car lengths down Elm? It couldn't. It's bogus imagery. They needed to shift the time of the Algens photo to much later. 

And it truly is impossible. This schematic shows you where the limo was when the post-sign stuff was happening in Zapruder. Altgens was not out in the street then. The plat even shows that Altgens was on the grass, down from Hill and Moorman, and which you can see him there in the Zapruder film. He was long out of the street. 

So, the "story" of the Altgens Photo is a lie. JFK was NOT shot in the throat yet when the Altgens Photo was taken. They faked that imagery. But why? 

First, remember what the purpose of the Altgens photo was. It was to sell the idea that the shots came from the TSBD. You've got those Secret Service agents peering back at the TSBD. That's what they wrote about in the caption, that they were looking at the source of the shots. 

So, if you ever wondered why, after seeing Oswald in the doorway, that they didn't destroy the photo and the negative instantly, this is the reason. They just couldn't resist the temptation to exploit what the two SS agents were doing. And what are they doing? It looks like they are looking at the doorway. At Oswald? Wondering what he was doing there? Maybe. But, they certainly weren't looking at the source of the shots. If they were reacting to a shot from the 6th floor, they would have looked up, not in the doorway. 

So, the whole idea was stupid, but regardless, they had to replace what was going on there in the backseat  of the limo in the Altgens Photo. So, what was going on there? I think that most likely JFK was already shot in the back and was showing it. But, he was definitely not shot in the throat. So, this image is bogus:

It is not even anatomical. JFK's forearm is extending out like  vacuum wand. Jackie never grabbed his arm that close to the wrist. And look how two-dimensional his hand looks.  And look how freaky it look compared to a real photographed hand.

It really is bad art, but then again, they were rushed. 

So, the Altgens photo, like the Zapruder film, was altered to hide the fact that JFK was shot in the back high on the hill, and as soon as he got out of the intersection. It was long before he was shot in the throat. Yet, there are people, even today, who still maintain that the throat shot was the first shot to hit him. No, no, no. The back shot came first. That was the paralytic shot, to seize him up and freeze him up, turning him into a Cigar Store Indian, and offering no more resistance to being shot than a Cigar Store Indian.  

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