Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Absolute Proof that Jack Ruby was NOT the Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald

The Garage Shooter used his middle finger to pull the trigger. You can see it in the Jackson photo. Stop and look at it now. Now, why would Jack Ruby do that when he had an intact right index finger? These guns are designed to use your index finger. You have no mechanical advantage when using your middle finger, and you couldn't generate half as much force. Plus, where would you put your index finger? There is no place to put it except alongside the barrel, and that's a good way to get it blown off. Remember: there is a "cylinder gap" there through which hot gases escape. If you don't believe me, go ahead and try it. No, do NOT try it. I am not taking responsibility for anyone blowing their finger off.  But, the first thing they teach you at gun safety class (and I have taken a gun safety class) is to not let any part of your hand be adjacent to the barrel.   

So, what is going on in this Pulitzer Prize winning photo? What's going on is that it was a staged photo. It is not from the televised spectacle. It was staged beforehand. Remember: they had a lot of time. Supposedly, Oswald was being interrogated from 9:15 to 11:15. But, Fritz didn't write down a single word in his notes. Why? Because: there was no interrogation; what they were really doing was preparing for the spectacle. And that isn't Jack Ruby wielding the gun; it is FBI Agent James Bookhout. So, why did Bookhout use his middle finger? And keep in mind that there was no pulling of the trigger here. It was just a photo shoot. But, I can tell you why Bookhout acted it out using his middle finger. It was because he and the others knew that Ruby had a partially amputated index finger, and they mistakenly thought it was on his right hand. But, it was on his left hand. So, Ruby would definitely not have done this.


And, I can tell you from experience that even these snub-nosed revolvers have a lot of spring tension that has to be overcome. If you tried pulling the trigger with your middle finger, which can't marshal the strength of your hand like your index finger can, the muzzle would deviate. It would affect your aim, your accuracy. Everything about the process leads the shooter to, intuitively, use his index finger. In Jack Ruby's case, he had no reason to even visit the idea of using anything else, since there was nothing wrong with his right index finger. 

So, that can't be Jack Ruby in the Jackson photo, and that means that it can't be Jack Ruby in any of the films or photos from the Garage Spectacle. He wasn't there. He was already up on the 5th floor, being held there, waiting for the right time to be slipped into the story. Of course, he had no awareness of any of that. Ruby was out of it mentally. He was high as a kite. He was drugged. Do you remember how vocal Oswald was in the hallway around reporters? Not Ruby. He didn't say a word. He couldn't, not coherently. One of the WFAA reporters said on the air that after his arrest Ruby was muttering incoherently. But, that never got repeated. 

I realize that after 59 years of having it drummed into you that Ruby shot Oswald, it's hard to let it go. But, you need to let it go because Ruby did not shoot Oswald. They didn't need Ruby to shoot Oswald, just as they didn't need Oswald to shoot Kennedy. They needed Oswald to take the blame for shooting Kennedy, and likewise, they needed Jack Ruby to take the blame for shooting Oswald. That's all they needed him for.    

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