Wednesday, August 3, 2022

This image shows the partially amputated left index finger on Jack  Ruby. So, that's a simple, undisputed fact. But then, we have the freaky situation of the Garage Shooter using his middle finger to shoot Oswald, and that is not simple at all because nobody would do that. But, you should realize that using your middle finger to shoot the gun is the same as not using your index finger. So, it's an index finger issue. The Garage Shooter must have had a problem with his right index finger, while Ruby definitely had a problem with his left index finger. But, you can see in the picture that there was nothing wrong with Ruby's right index finger. So, why would a guy who had no left index finger avoid using his right index finger? The peculiarity of it is multiplied 100x by the fact that BOTH of Ruby's index fingers are at issue. 

Do this experiment right now, this very moment. Put your right hand out. Make it your left hand if you are left-handed. Put it out like you were pointing with it. Now, curl your index finger all the way to the heel of your hand. Now fully extend it again. And repeat several times. Think about how it feels. Think about how much control you have over your index finger. Think about your "mind/body" connection to your index finger. 

Now, do it again but with your middle finger. Do you notice a difference? Do you notice that you can't control your middle finger as well? Do you notice that the effect spills over to the other fingers, the ring finger and the pinkie, that they start curling with the middle finger? That didn't happen with your index finger, did it? Do you notice that your middle finger seems more distant? It's as though your nervous connection to it isn't as strong. It isn't. You don't feel as connected to your middle finger as you do to your index finger.  And you can't generate as much force with it. 

I have read excuses as to why Ruby used his middle finger. A popular one is that it was common for Mafia hoodlums to use their middle finger, and Ruby prided himself on being a Mafia hoodlum. 

Well, that is ridiculous for Ruby or any real Mafia hoodlum, which Ruby wasn't. Mafia hoodlums are human beings, and what we just demonstrated about the difference between the index finger and the middle finger applies to them as well. There can't be any truth to that claim about Mafia hoodlums. It's just another JFK assassination lie.  

So, what can we make of this situation of Jack Ruby having issues with BOTH his index fingers, one that he didn't have, and one that he did have but didn't use? What we should make of it is that it was a production error. Remember: I'm a filmmaker. I have made 4 feature films. And I know how easy it is to make production errors. In this case, the error was that they got a story element wrong. They thought the character had a missing right index finger, and so they had the actor use his middle finger to shoot the gun. But, the character actually had a missing left index finger and would have used his right index finger to shoot the gun. They got confused. They got reversed. And they fucked up. 

And I'm not talking about Ruby. Again, this was theater. I am talking about the actor who was playing Ruby whose name was James Bookhout. And his problem was that he got bad direction. Somebody must have told him to use his middle finger since Ruby's right index finger was missing, and Bookhout didn't question it. He assumed that the person directing him knew what he was talking about. He didn't. 

This was obviously a production error, and it's not the only one they made. There is another I will tell you about. 

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