Saturday, August 6, 2022

This is the moment of impact in the KRLD footage. Notice the position of the Shooter's feet and their distance apart. 

 And this is the moment of impact in the Beers photo, which is said to be just three-tenths of a second before. 

So in KRLD, his feet are side by side and a little more than shoulder width apart. In Beers, his feet are not side by side. They are linear with his right foot forward and knee bent, and his left foot way back behind creating a long stretch. 

And really, it is ridiculous because in KRLD, he has already passed LC Graves, while in Beers, he hasn't reached Graves yet, causing him to stretch a great deal to get the gun close to Oswald. And remember that it was or almost was a contact shot. So, these both can't be real. 

But, I mainly focus on Beers because I am seeing something for the first time. I know his left leg is a big closer to the camera, but still, doesn't it seem like his left leg is huge compared to his right? Would the angular difference cause that much size difference? I doubt it. Doesn't his left leg seem much longer than his right? They added that weird black shadow behind him which is obscuring. If you try to imagine the image without that, his leg isn't so much bigger. But, it's still longer. And we're not even seeing the whole thing. There's quite a bit more leg missing as well as the whole foot. Imagine if it were all there how much longer that leg would seem. So, what is going on with this?

I believe what is going on is that they were concerned that Bookhout would seem too short to be Ruby, who was the same height as Oswald. So, by giving him that long left leg that seems to go on forever, it tells our minds that he wasn't that short. Look how perfectly straight the line of the left thigh is and that of the left lower leg. That is really ruler-straight, and his left knee makes a sharp angle. Even the floor is off-color in front of it. So, did they get the paint out to fool us into thinking the Shooter was taller? Note too the Shooter's different arrangement in the Jackson photo, which supposedly was within a fraction of a second. He is configured totally different. There's no long stretch between his legs. 

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