Tuesday, October 27, 2015

3:37 PM (39 minutes ago)
- show quoted text -
Ralph, a paper bag was found near the sniper's nest which was long enough
to hold the disassembled Carcano. It had Oswald's fingerprints on its. It
has had fibers matching the blanket it Ruth Paine's garage. It had creases
in it indicating that at some time it had been folded up. Now if you don't
think that is the same bag Frazier and his sister saw Oswald with that
morning, how do you suppose it got where it did with Oswald's prints on it
and fibers matching his blanket?

Also, you have cited witnesses who said the bag was too short and other
witnesses who said their was not bag. So obviously Ralph, both can't be
correct. So if one set of witnesses can be wrong, and we know at least one
had to be, how can you be so sure they both weren't wrong? 

Ralph Cinque:

Don't talk to me about fingerprints. Faking fingerprints and lying about fingerprints had to be among the easier things they had to do to frame Oswald. 

Getting fibers into the bag? You consider that unimpeachable, do you? Seriously?

Oswald had no way of taking the bag on the Thursday evening without Frazier seeing it. Oswald had no way of stealing off into the garage on Thursday evening to disassemble and package the rifle without Ruth and Marina noticing. He had no way of making a bag out of shipping paper at the Depository without anyone seeing him. He had no way of making the bag, period. He couldn't do it. You couldn't do it. Nobody could do it. He had no way of carrying the package the way Frazier said he did, between his armpit and his outstretched palm. He had no way of getting it into the building and up to the 6th floor without somebody seeing him with it, starting with Jack Dougherty who saw him when he first came in.

You're delusional, bigdog. You're flopping around in the water, but you don't know how to swim.

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