Saturday, November 14, 2015


Nov 13 (2 hours ago)

Ralph Cinque:

Notice that Ruth Paine didn't admit in that interview that she didn't just tell Oswald about the possibility, she called the Depository and made the appointment for him. Don't you think that's a little over the top? 

And what kind of business schedules an interview for a job without hearing directly from the applicant? So, Ruth Paine calls, and they don't know her from Eve, and she says that a Russian woman who lives with her, whom they don't know from Yeva, has a husband, whom they don't know from Adam, and yet, they schedule an appointment for him to be interviewed? Wouldn't they instead have said, "Have him call us. He can ask for Mr. Truly. And we'll schedule an appointment for him to come in." ???

You really are a bonehead, Boz. 

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