Saturday, November 14, 2015

This is a great picture of Oswald's shirt.

You see the fine graininess and how soft the material was, enabling it to fold over into a long lapel.

Compare it to the Newseum shirt with the hard stiff collar
and the rigid placket. It doesn't fold over, and it couldn't. 

Here is the comparison to Doorman:

American shirts don't behave like Oswald's. They don't fold over like that. That must have been a shirt that he brought back with him from Russia. The ridiculous Black Tie Man was put into the photo so that Doorman's shirt wouldn't look like Oswald's on the left. But notice how identical the low angled t-shirt is on both. 

Doorman's image is jarring on the right because the interface of Doorman and Black Tie Man is so unnatural. It is impossible for two persons who were standing next to each other to be captured like that in a photograph. There is no set-up, no arrangement between them that could produce it.

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