Friday, November 13, 2015

I don't think that anybody is going to be able to duplicate the Altgens photo exactly, and I am very satisfied with the result that we got. Why in the Altgens photo does the monument, which was vertical, appear to be leaning? You want to claim that Altgens tilted his camera? But, he didn't claim that, and he didn't demonstrate it that way when he demonstrated it. And why would he?

Oswald was definitely in the center of the doorway. You only have to look at him at the start of the Wiegman film, which was simultaneous with Altgens.

Whatever difference in time there was between that frame and the Altgens photo was so small as to rule out any repositioning.

And, when you realize that Altgens was shooting the doorway from a southwest angle, you realize that that the west side of it had to be cut off.

The above diagram is not a hypothesis; it is a fact. Oswald was nowhere near the white column, yet, in the photo it looks like his right shoulder is tucked behind it.

It looks like he is standing by the west wall, with his right shoulder partially behind it. He wasn't. It's an optical illusion. And what makes it worse is the phony image of Carl Jones. It looks as though Oswald was right above Carl Jones, breathing down his neck. Look at Wiegman again. He was nowhere near him.

Does anyone actually believe that there was some repositioning in the doorway between those two? Fools can believe anything they want, but there wasn't. Carl Jones as mostly out of view to Altgens, just like Rosie was mostly out of view to me. 

The addition of the side handrails makes it impossible now to duplicate Carl Jones' position. You can't stand as close to the wall as he was standing, which was right up against it. He was literally leaning against it, which you can't do any more because of the rail. It's quite a ways from the wall. But, this demonstrates the effect that I'm talking about with Altgens, that Carl Jones was in his no-fly zone. 

So, getting back to the Altgens photo, at the time, nobody was aware of or thinking about Wiegman; they only saw this;

So, it looked to them like Doorman (Oswald) was hovering right above Carl Jones. Of course, the alterers knew better because they stuck Carl Jones in there, but they weren't yapping. And, they altered the Hughes film to be consistent with it. 

There isn't too much that isn't fake about this, including, I suspect, them enlarging the street signs to obscure the doorway. The girl in blue on the pedestal looks awfully big for a 13 year old, the whole idea being to block our view of the doorway. And you notice that the whole thing looks like a cartoon. Even the colors are wrong. Carl Jones was not wearing blue.

Notice how different the colors are rendered above. Notice that the Doorman figure looks bigger, stockier than Carl Jones. How could that be when Oswald was 5'9" 131, and Carl Jones was like 6'4" and probably close to 231? It's a bogus image. 

If you were going to endorse the validity of both images above, it means that you're claiming that Doorman was hovering above Carl Jones when JFK's limo passed the building, but then Doorman scurried up to the center of the top landing to be captured there several seconds later. There is no evidence for such a relocation, and there is no basis to claim it or even think it. It is simply a bogus image on the left. 

But wait. It's worse than that. Because: Carl Jones is by his lonesome in the Weaver photo which was taken when the limo was turning from Main to Houston. 

So, that means the story is that Doorman was somewhere else, then he ran down by Carl Jones and was hovering over him in Hughes, and then he darted back to the center in time for Wiegman.  He couldn't stand still.

It's nuts. The truth is that when they did their fixes they didn't think about how one fix would conflict with another fix. They just figured that people would see them in isolation and not compare them. They figured wrong. 

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