Friday, November 13, 2015

I found this partial image of the doorway. It wasn't taken at the same angle as Altgens, but it was in the same direction, meaning from west of the doorway. 

And as a result, as in Altgens, the west side got cut off and east side got captured. You see how the inside ceiling light looks like it's close to the west column. It wasn't; that's the parallax effect. And that resulted from a rather minor angular shift. I don't know how much to the left the photographer was to the doorway, but it wasn't that much. The exact same kind of thing happened to Oswald in the Altgens photo.

People were thrown off by the phony profile of Carl Jones, which was put in there. But frankly, even without that, I suspect many still would have been thrown off. Doorman (Oswald) was in the center, just as we see him in Wiegman. 

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