Saturday, November 14, 2015

Let's be crystal about something: if the Ops are going to say that both Hughes and Wiegman are valid, then it means that they must claim that Doorman moved between the two, that he relocated in the doorway during the motorcade.

But Lovelady, when asked, just said that he was "on your top level." He said nothing about being first here and then there. And when he was asked who he stood with, he named some people, but he didn't name Carl Jones. Of course, the fact is that he wasn't Doorman anyway. Remember that in his 1976 photo, the only way that Lovelady could get his shirt to splay open was to primp it open.

That splaying did not occur spontaneously. It didn't happen from him just putting his shirt on. And, there is no reason to think that he did that primping on 11/22/63. He was going to work that morning to lay plywood on the 6th floor. So, why would he do that? He wouldn't. He couldn't. He didn't. 

So, there is simply NO WAY that Lovelady was decked out that way on this day:

So, the Hughes Doorman is DEFINITELY fake. But, think about it: If he's fake (and he is) it means that they knew that he wasn't really there. It means that they knew that he was in the center of the doorway, just as he is in Wiegman. And that means that the obscuring of the right side of the doorway must have been deliberate. 

Let's say hypothetically that the Hughes doorway is real except for Doorman. In that case, why put Doorman in it? If Doorman was covered up by Toni Glover he was covered up by Toni Glover. Why mess with it? Why feel obliged to add him? If he was simply being obscured by other people, why not leave it? Why feel compelled to add him? BUT, if they messed with the right side of the doorway, then adding him distracts from what they did. 

"You see; we didn't do anything because you can see Doorman. There he is. In plain view. Nothing suspicious here."

So, I maintain that it's because they took out the real Doorman with their shenanigans that they felt compelled to put him back in to cover up their tracks.    

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