Saturday, November 14, 2015

This is how the Hughes film shows the doorway, and I say it's fake.

Compare it to Wiegman, which was just a few seconds later.

Is the assumption that he moved? Based on what? It is no part of the testimonial record. And look a the size of that 11 year old girl in blue. I previously said 13, but she was only 11. 

Amazingly, this 11 year old girl recognized the sounds she heard as gunshots, whilst grown men (Secret Service agents) all thought it was firecrackers. 

Hmm. Looks like the mother is much bigger, especially wider. 

When the mainstream media reported about the Girl in Blue for the 50th, they didn't publish any of her images from back then. So far, I haven't found a single article that did.

They were discussing a famous image without showing it. 

Here is the situation, where the signs were on Houston Street and where the pedestal was:

So, the doorway, which they definitely wanted blocked, just happened to be blocked from Hughes' position by the mother and daughter on the pedestal and then the street signs, which snugged right in next to them. 

But why would there be so much laterality between the signs and the telephone pole from Hughes point of view?  They were both along the curb, and he was behind them. 

That shot was taken from a high window in the building across the street, but Hughes was in the street at the corner of Main and Houston, but just a little. So, he was essentially behind the signs and the pole.

Again, they definitely wanted that doorway obscured, so did they just get lucky with the Glovers and the signs, or did they give it some help? 

Go back to this image and notice that the signs weren't very high.

The lower sign is barely higher than the retaining wall. It's shorter than the man who is next to it. So, why are the signs so high here?

From Hughes' view, would the top of the signs loom higher than the top of the doorway?

Look at it again. Do you really think those little signs would rise practically to the second floor?

Let's go back and put Toni and her mother into the other photo.

That's a high pedestal, and they were much more elevated than the signs. So, how can the signs be so much higher than them in Hughes?

Here is a comparison of Hughes Toni Glover and Bell Toni Glover:

The bottom line is that the barriers of Toni Glover and the street signs in the Hughes doorway are way too convenient, and the optics of it is highly suspect. But, what is beyond doubt is the fact that Doorman was in the center of the doorway where we see him in Wiegman. The notion that he relocated during the motorcade is completely unfounded. Therefore, the Hughes Doorman is bogus. 

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