Monday, November 16, 2015

Regarding the disparity between Hughes and Wiegman, let's get some facts on the table.

The only reason we are talking about this is because of ME. In 52 years, nobody else except me noticed that Doorman is in different locations in the doorway. My enemies certainly didn't notice it. And even if they had noticed it, they wouldn't have said anything. Why should they have? It's a problem for them, not for me. They'd have hushed it up and hoped I never said a word.

But, I did notice it, and now I am, rhetorically, holding their noses to the grindstone; it's what I do. 

So, the official story has to be that Doorman moved. It's like an obligatory move in chess. You either make it or concede. 

But, it's going to be a hard sell. First look at it from Lovelady's perspective. He said he went out there because he saw his friends, Sarah Stanton and Bill Shelley, in the doorway, and he went out to be with them. He didn't say anything about going out to be with Carl Jones. Furthermore, he was asked, point-blank, where he was, and he said, "it would be your top level." He didn't say anything about hovering right above Carl Jones, breathing down his neck, and then scurrying to the center. If he had done it, he would have said so, right? It wasn't a state secret, was it?

And regarding Oswald, forget about it. He wouldn't have hovered over anybody. He was pretty darn anti-social. He was a loner. So, when he came out that door, there's no way he would have gone to be with Carl. If there was a spot in the center where he could stand alone, and there was, he was going to take it, and he did.

That spot on the far right above Carl made no sense. It was a worse place to watch the motorcade on Houston Street, and it was a pitiful place to watch it on Elm. Once the limo passed the doorway, he had no visibility at all. And he would have known that before he went there. How smart do you have to be to realize that you can't see through a wall? Carl Jones was alright because he was close enough to the front to see around the column. But, neither Oswald nor Lovelady would have been able to see the limo at all once it passed the building, and let's face it: the Kennedys were the show- no one else.   

So, the claim of Doorman moving around the doorway during the motorcade is very tenuous for multiple reasons. But, there is no chance whatsoever he would have done it while the motorcade was passing the doorway. That's because he'd have to turn around in order to climb the steps, and he'd lose sight of them. Surely, he'd wait until they were past the entrance, and then, realizing that he could no longer see them, he'd relocate.  And remember, I am speaking theoretically. I deny that he moved at all. 

But, the duration of time for a theoretical movement was very short because we're talking about the time it took the limo to go from Elm Street past the entrance to the spot where it was for Altgens. It was no 9 seconds. The severe slowing of the limo didn't occur until it got to the Kill Zone on lower Elm. 

But furthermore, the time really isn't the issue. Let's say it was just half of 9 seconds: 4.5 seconds. That would still be long enough for Doorman to relocate. So, that isn't the problem. The other 4.5 seconds are superfluous; you don't need them. Nonetheless, I'm sure 4.5 seconds is closer to the accurate length of that interval of time. 

But regardless, nobody said that Doorman relocated, and Lovelady specifically described his actions without including that, which makes it a tacit denial. And it's preposterous to think Oswald would have ever taken that position. 

If you watch the Hughes film, you'll notice that Doorman's head keeps disappearing. It's there; and then it isn't. How is that to be explained? He didn't step back because his body didn't move. It looks the same throughout. And the light didn't change. So, what, did he lean his head back? Why would he do that? He wouldn't. He didn't. It's bogus. It's fake. It's fraud. Cinematic fraud. Bloodied cinematic fraud. 

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