Monday, November 16, 2015

This is a very astute appraisal of the current situation in the JFK warzone by a prominent OIC member. I am not going to post his his name because he asked me not to, but read what he has to say. This is a description of reality:

Hello Toussay:

I fully understand your feelings about the obvious conclusions to be drawn by the evidence at hand, however, we are fighting this war on several fronts:

1. The U.S. mainstream media (MSM) refuses to disseminate the truth about the JFK assassination- that it was a coup d' etát engineered and covered up by the highest levels of the U.S. government.  The reason they won't do it is because the major media outlets are assets of the US intelligence agencies.

2. A lackadaisical U.S. population considers the JFK assassination irrelevant after 52 years.

3. The government-run school system continues to propagate the lone nut theory in its history books and classes, and that's true in both public and private schools. Education has become so completely dominated by government that even private schools are subjugated. 

4. There is a vast network of shills and disinformation agents running limited hangouts for the express purpose of permanently engaging those who try to advance the truth. Professor Jim Fetzer estimates that a whopping 90% of supposed JFK "truthers" are actually sponsored by "Kubark" (= Langley).  Many of these shills have set up camp outside the U.S., where they can operate behind the veil of the Internet with impunity, with little concern that their true identities and associations will be exposed. 

Oliver Stone is on record as speaking about the naivete of the American public, where he has pointed out how Europe views the assassination. Historically speaking, European researchers knew right away there had been a massive conspiracy to remove our 35th President from office just by analyzing the entities that opposed and were affected by his political agenda. First generation JFK researchers Leo Sauvage from France and Joachim Joesten out of Germany were considered extremely dangerous by those in power because they were able to reach the American public with newsletters and books that were published outside of the sphere of control of the U.S. government.

So this is why we must keep fighting this war as we try to win the battles, one at a time. For this, our only means and weapons are the alternative media and the Internet.


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