Sunday, November 15, 2015

So, what was TIME magazine really trying to say about these photos?

What they were really trying to say is:

"The photos don't show anything that is incriminating to Oswald because he's taking the worst of it in both images and not doing anything criminal. But, the photos get us to thinking. They remind us of what happened in that theater- according to the official story. And we can repeat that to you. We can't show it to you in the photos, but we can wag our lips and repeat what the official story says happened. There is nothing to see in the photos that demonstrates it. But, nobody doubts the official story of what happened in the theater. Some may doubt the official story of what happened in Dealey Plaza, but no one doubts the official story of what happened in the Texas Theater. Therefore, we can point to the photos because they remind us of what happened- according to Officialdom- and get us to talking about it."

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