Sunday, November 15, 2015

Two more points about the TIME article which I should have mentioned.

First, it was authored by Gary Mack. They published it, but he wrote it. 

What a strange story his is, to go from being a leading advocate of conspiracy to becoming a major mouthpiece for the official story.

That is really strange. I find it very hard to believe that anybody would go from advocating the impossibility of the official story to endorsing it.

But, it's happened with others, that is, other Ops. Hank Sienzant, whom I call Hank Sienfake because it's not his real name, nor is it his only alias, claims the same thing: that he used to be an ardent conspiracy advocate but then he learned the error of his ways and became an arch defender of the official story. 

"Hank Sienzant" or "Joe Zircon" or whoever the hell he really is just an Op; a paid Op.  And Gary Mack was also a paid Op- a very well paid Op.

But, this McCammon photo, which is famous because it's in color, may be fake. That is, the color may be fake. That's because the article stated that when it was first published in 1964, it was black and white. Then it went missing for more than 40 years- until the death of Detective Paul Bentley in 2008.

First, he did alright for himself if he smoked cigars that whole time and lived to 2008. But, maybe he just chewed them. But, was the original photo in color or black and white?

Well, even if it was in color, the chances are VERY GREAT that they photoshopped it because 2008 was well into the digital era. Today,  everything gets digitalized and just about everything gets photoshopped.  I wish it wasn't so, but it is. 

But of course, the worst thing about it is Bentley's cigar and his shit-eating grin. It seems most inappropriate. The President just died and so did a police officer. Why the hell do you break out a cigar? And why the hell do you grin like a guy standing next to his catch from deep sea fishing? Again: it is most inappropriate. 

Of course, it never gets mentioned. Bentley is depicted as a hero. I've been reading his obituary from different sources, and there's not a word about his outrageously inappropriate behavior. 

DALLAS - Dallas police Detective Paul Bentley, who helped arrest presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theater, had a ready retort for those who didn't accept the official story that Oswald acted alone.
"What does conspiracy do?" Bentley would say. "It sells."
Bentley died Monday of natural causes in his home, said his grandson, David Ottinger. He was 87.
Bentley worked for the Dallas Police Department for 21 years, starting as a patrol officer and retiring as a detective five years after the assassination of President Kennedy.
He played a supporting role on Nov. 22, 1963, originally responding to Oswald's fatal shooting of Dallas police Officer J.D. Tippit. Bentley and other officers tracked Oswald to the Texas Theater, arresting him after a brief scuffle.
"The fight broke out on the main floor," said Gary Mack, curator of The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. "Bentley was up in the balcony. He raced down to help and piled on because Oswald punched an officer and pulled a gun."
In a well-known photograph taken just after the arrest, Bentley is wearing a suit with his hair slicked back and a cigar in his mouth, escorting Oswald out of the theater. Oswald appears to have a cut on his forehead, which Bentley said came from his Masonic ring, Ottinger said.
His grandson described Bentley as an honorable and decent man.
"As time went by, it became an important piece of history, but he always said he was just doing his job that day," Ottinger said. "He never viewed himself as a hero or anything of that nature."
Bentley had another connection to Oswald. His brother-in-law, L.C. Graves, was one of the officers escorting Oswald when Oswald was shot to death by Jack Ruby. Graves, who died in 1995, can be seen to Oswald's left in a famous photograph of the shooting.
"My grandpa used to say to his brother-in-law, `I arrested him and you let him get shot,'" Ottinger said.

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