Monday, February 4, 2019

I found something which greatly supports my thesis about Jack Ruby. It's a map of the distance between his apartment and the DPD. It was only 3 miles. So, how long would it take to get there on a Sunday morning? And remember, this was 1963, when traffic density was much lighter than it is today. 

So, the estimated driving time is only 6 minutes, today. So, what would it have been on a Sunday morning in 1963? 

Ruby's roommate George Senator first claimed that Ruby left as early as 10:15. But, he was being browbeat to push the time back. But, if it was 10:15, and Ruby went directly to Western Union, then he got there about 10:20 and he could have been at the basement before 10:30. 

Of course, the story goes that he first went to look at the wreaths, but Amy Joyce believes that was a lie because he did that on Saturday morning. Would he have done it both mornings? And Ruby didn't say anything to his roommate George Senator about going to see the wreaths. So, was this added to the story just to provide a delay? 

Ruby said he got up early. In his published account, which he narrated to tv screenwriter William Westfield (who arranged that?) Ruby said "I was up early." But, Westfield preceded it by the subtitle: "Approximately 9:30 AM". 

But, 9:30 AM isn't early. So, that's a contradiction. And people don't speak with subtitles, so it had to come from Westfield, not Ruby. What we have from Ruby is that he got up early, he ate breakfast with the tv on, and while he glanced through the paper. (Sounds very normal, doesn't it? Isn't it strange behavior for a guy who was about to destroy his whole life by killing Oswald?)

Somewhere in there, there was a call from Karen Carlin. And then he left. 

So, let's stay with the idea of him getting up early. What's the latermost limit for early? I'll say 8:30, and that's only because it was Sunday. Even that isn't early, but at least it's relatively early in the morning. But, 9:30 is closer to mid-morning. I don't think you can call 9:30 early any day of the week. 

So, if Ruby got up at 8:30, dressed, had breakfast and talked to Karen, what are we talking about in terms of time? That would take no more than an hour, which would make it 9:30. But, let's make it 9:45. 

Well, 9:45 was the time that Dr. Fred Bieberdorf said that cops cleared the garage- told him and everyone else to get out. Then, they didn't let reporters back in until a few minutes before the spectacle, which you can see in the KRLD footage. 

So, if Ruby left at 9:45, he could have gotten to that basement by 10, or soon after 10, where he was pounced upon and dragged up to the 5th floor and told that he shot Oswald. Then, they placed Roy Vaughan at the ramp entrance, so that he could be the fall guy for the breech in security. Then they got ready for the big spectacle using James Bookhout as a proxy for Ruby. 

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. And this revelation that Ruby was only 5 or 6 minutes away by car only increases its plausibility. The bottom line is that for a guy who "got up early" and did the things that Ruby was said to do, he would have gotten there much earlier than 11:20- and I'm telling you he did. 

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