Friday, July 17, 2020

  • Mick Tappe But Ruby knew about Oswald to spread propaganda at the Press Conference & enough about him to want him dead ?
  • Ralph Cinque Mick, don't confuse the reported scenario with what actually happened and what we know actually happened. Ruby admitted going to the Police Station on Friday evening. He did not go on Friday afternoon. He said he didn't, including on a polygraph test which he passed. And we have phone records which prove that he was on the phone talking to his sister at 2 PM when he was supposedly stalking Oswald. So, don't believe all the stuff you hear. Now, about the Friday night press conference, Ruby went there to deliver sandwiches to the detectives. He was told they weren't interested. So, he got the idea to give them to the crew of a television or radio station that was covering the murder. So, Ruby went there Friday night with no thought or expectation of seeing Oswald or killing him. Was he even at the press conference? He never explicitly said that he was, and I suspect that he wasn't because the pictures of Ruby at the press conference don't look like him. He was definitely in the hall and in the vicinity, but I don't know that he ever went into the room. Look closely at this collage. On the right is Ruby at the PD on Friday evening, in the hall. It was very late. Actually, it was already early Saturday morning. On the left is supposedly Ruby at the press conference, but can you see that that is a much younger man? And I mean 20 years younger. And remember: the people telling you all that stuff about Ruby are the people who killed Kennedy. And I'll tell you that the people who killed Kennedy are the same people who killed Oswald.

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