Saturday, September 18, 2021

Bernard Wild has put together a compilation of posts from this blog into a book called Oswald is Innocent.

I haven't read the book yet. I have ordered it from Amazon.


I am into my 11th year doing this, and I have dealt with quite a broad range of subjects, but not everything. For instance, I have never addressed who the real shooters were. It's an interesting question, but I would have to study it a long time to feel confident about saying. And even though it's interesting, it's not that important. 

Of cousre, it started with the issue of Oswald in the doorway. And as I think back on it, and remember, that in the beginning I was very involved with JFK forums, doing battle on them, which I don't do any more, and some of them don't exist any more. But, when I think back about the arguments that were made trying to refute me, it was ridiculous. First, he's obviously Oswald. You can recognize his face, his expression, his stare, his gauntness, his long neck, his slender build, and you can identify his clothes. The very idea that Lovelady looked that much like him and dressed that much like him is preposterous. It's actually insane. And all the things that were done to deny that Oswald was Oswald were an elaborate fraud, and never once were there any good intentions or honest endeavor. 

Today, the U.S. government admitted that in the drone strike that was done on August 29 in retaliation for the 13 Americans killed in the terror attack at Kabul Airport, that all of the 10 victims were innocent civilians, 7 of them children. They spoke of compensating the families of the victims, although I cringe when I hear that- because money can't bring a loved one back. And they have done it before, and many times, after killing innocents in Afghanistan, and typically they would pay a couple hundred bucks, and sometimes, a general would hand deliver a goat. Wasn't that special? 

But, the point is that if the U.S. government could admit that, then they could call a press conference and admit that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill President Kennedy, that he was standing in the doorway at the time, that the photographic evidence proves it, and beyond a  shadow of a doubt.   

State lies aren't forever, and this one, about Oswald killing Kennedy, is a dead man walking. 

Thank you, Bernard. 

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