Monday, September 27, 2021

This is Vincent Bugliosi waxing on about why Oswald supposedly killed Kennedy. Every bit of it is pure speculation and fabrication. He bases it on his interpretation of writings attributed to Oswald, for which we have no rason to be sure Oswald wrote them, and things that Oswald supposedly said that likewise are unverified. But, in the end, he decides that Oswald killed Kennedy not because he hated Kennedy but because he hated America and Kennedy was a proxy for America.

But, it makes no sense at all. Before killing Kennedy, Oswald would ask himself: "Who becomes President if Kennedy's gone? Johnson. Hmmm, let's see: he's more aggressive towards Cuba and the Soviet Union, further away from socialism, which I like. Therefore, I sure hope nothing happens to Kennedy." 

Oswald never said he hated America, and it is ridiculous to think he would have killed Kennedy because he did. 

Bugliosi's attempt to impart a motive to Oswald totally failed. It was just an exercise in imagination by Bugliosi. 

Oswald had a wife and two kids, and he was very devoted to them. Obviously, one's family should be more important to a person than one's political ideology. And that was true in Oswald's case. The bizarre satisfaction that Oswald supposedly got for killing Kennedy would have been at the cost of his family- him losing them. Warren Commission lawyer David Belin invented the idea that Oswald planned to run away to Mexico- using his gun as an ATM.  And then do what? Live happily ever after? How? The Stupid Belin didn't recognize that Oswald loved his family as much any man did. 

The whole thing is so bizaare, so totally divorced from reality, logic, and reason and even common experience of human behavior that it is astounding that they could say such things- let alone believe them.

People like Bugliosi and Belin just flipped a switch in their brains. Out of lawyerly inclination, they just started walking the walk and talking the talk, as if they knew what happened AND WHY.

In reality, nothing that they said made any sense at all. And do not doubt that both of them acted to a very great extent out of self-interest.  

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