Friday, September 10, 2021

 There are twin pedestals at the end of the reflecting pool. Do you believe that 11 year old Toni Glover and her mother were standing on the one on the right? 

Do you think they're standing on that pedestal here? 

I've stood on the pedestal, and it's high. You feel tense on it. You can see how tense Toni felt. She was not going to galavant. 

She is looking down at the ground because the ground is her bearing. She doesn't want to fall. And notice how she towers over the young man on the sidewalk. Young Toni and her mother were not towering over anybody.

So, that's facing Houston Street, and I believe they are standing on the grass. But then, this is how they were a few seconds later.

Again, you see how high they were. So now, Toni is gripping her mother tightly, and she can't see anything except her mother's back. It seems like it should be jsut the opposite, with Toni in front and Mother behind and holding on to her to secure her. Notice that her hair is in a pony tail, but it's not in a pony tail in Dorman.

The image on the right came first. Look at the difference in affect. Why would she go from boisterous on the right to subdued and clingy on the left? It was just seconds apart. And look closely at her legs on the left. Look how weird they look. And look how much lower her right shoulder is than her left. That is a huge difference. The image on the right I believe is real; the image on the left is false. 

But, they needed it because of the Hughes film.

Suddenly, Toni has got shoulders like a linebacker. And she is covering up the exact spot where Oswald was. Who is that hovering over Carl Jones on our left? He is nobody. He wasn't there. That's art. Doorman (Oswald) was standing in the center of the doorway. He is being occluded by Toni. You can see him in the Wiegman film. They blurred it like hell, but Doorman is clasping his hands in front, just as Oswald habitually did. He was in the center of the doorway. 

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